Veils Building / Landmark in Terrani | World Anvil
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The 8 Veils are areas of concentrated magic that form a connection to the shattered remnants of the old world as well as some unknown locations. Six of these are known to the general public. The remaining two are unknown or thought to be myth.

Purpose / Function

Veil of Mysteries - Shidan Isles

Traversal - Unknown
The Veil of Mysteries is guarded by Diernigi. Due to Dier having guarded the Veil since its discovery and no recorded activity no one aside from its guardian knows where this Veil leads. According to the Magi, any who truly seek knowledge of The Veil of Mysteries must first kill him and take his place. There have been 3 attempts to usurp Diernigi, all have failed.  

Veil of Darkness - Xan

Traversal - Frequently, Entrae unsuitable for humans.
This Veil, guarded by Geoffrey leads to one of the continents lost during the war now known as Entrae. It is a heavily active Veil and many Oblivion born species pass back and forth through it. Constant access to the Veil has led many species inhabiting Entrae to develop an immunity to the Veil's magic that would normally make travel difficult. Now they tend to freely pass back in forth leading to Terrani to be heavily saturated with these species.

Veil of Light - Xan

Traversal - Frequently, Oveal unsuitable for humans.
This Veil leads to Oveal and is guarded by Jethro. Like the Veil of Darkness this is a very active Veil and was once a continent of Terrani, though the majority of species travelling through are avian in nature unlike it's counterpart. Due to the proximity between the Veil of Darkness and the Veil of Light the two are considered twin Veils and the two Magi protect them together.

Veil of Legends - Fyedan

Traversal - No, At one time it was open.
The Veil of Legends leads to what is now known as Rostal after the continent that disappeared from Terrani during the war and is guarded by Koege. Sometime shortly after the Veil's appearance all known Dragons fled through this Veil never to be seen again. The Veil since the exodus seems to have become "blocked" as no one has come or gone through it. The Veil is cared for by Koege. This is widely considered to be the oldest Veil.

Veil of Shadows - Sacara

Traversal - Yes, Recently passed through by dangerous Myrae. Deemed Off Limits
Once thought to be an impassible Veil the Veil of shadows was largely forgotten despite it presumably connecting to the continent of Allassi. The only reason there is a Magi protecting this Veil is that a single girl once passed through to the other side never to return. All of that changed when a very powerful Myrae managed to travel through to Terrani and severely injure it's Magi Lydia before being taken down in an episode of sheer dumb luck by her apprentice. The Myrae now known as Dante quickly made it obvious that there was in fact a civilization of previously unknown Myrae living on the other side who had no contact with their homeland in centuries and were looking to invade a new and better land. This is now deemed the most dangerous Veil and there is discussion on whether a new Magi should be appointed to help guard it.

Veil of Magic - Shidan Isles

Traversal - No, Recent questionable activity. Deemed Off Limits
No one is sure where if anyplace this Veil leads as it has been closed off since or possibly before its discovery. However, due to the recent events at the Veil of Shadows The Guardians thought to have it guarded all the same by the newly anointed Magi Maena. There are many concerns as she reported a black malicious feeling substance oozing from the Veil. For now the Guardians have decided to wait to see if something changes but they are keeping an eye on the veil.

Veil of Ancients - Delphage

Traversal - Yes, With caution and clearance
The Veil of Ancients leads to a great desert containing old species of griffins, and many mythological species that seemed to have been lost during the war and exodus of their dragon counterparts. The Land beyond the Veil is known as Padun is guarded by Skaki and has not changed much since the war. Those allowed to pass through have reported great sprawling ruins that the peoples guard and protect. They live by old rules and speak in ancient dialects. They are also banned from crossing over the Veil into Terrani or they will be exiled from Padun for the rest of their lives.

Veil of Celestial's - Shidan Isles

Traversal - Unknown
This Veil is impassible though it does not seem to be blocked. Legend has it that the God Xurius once passed through this Veil and in a single action ended the Great War. After Xurius helped to restore damaged lands and help the humans rebuild their civilization. A lone guardian said to be hand selected by Xurius now protects the Veil, awaiting his return.


No one really knows how the veils came to be, just that they appeared in the aftermath of the great war that shattered Terrani. Regardless of the how, it was obvious that many of the veils led to the places of Terrani that had been separated from the rest of the world. Unfortunately besides the two leading to Oveal, Entrae and Padun the others are very difficult to pass between. While some Veils allow very powerful species through the majority seem to be closed off all-together.
Included Locations
Owning Organization


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