Dark Sun Character in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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Dark Sun

Dark Sun was a mysterious interplane entity, that arrived in Terrania via an unknown method, from an unknown place. Its presence here caused the subsequent The Zurlandor Crisis from 1521 AC -1527 AC, bringing our plane to the brink of obliteration.


Dark Sun touched down upon Terrania atop the Daegyu mountians. It would spend the next few months wandering the desert from village to village preaching a convoluted and incomprehensible gospel of celestial bodies and purification. Over time, Dark Sun grew a massive following, guiding its followers deep into the Minonia Desert, where construction would begin on a massive structure.   During most of the Crisis, Dark Sun sat deep below the planet in its massive ziggurat, meditating in an effort to conserve its dwindling power. Dark Sun needed to maintain its power as it would take a massive amount of its low reserves to push the structure up in the air and onto the heavens. All it needed was the The Sol-Lance , and waited for the Heralds to obtain it.   The Fireheart Oath learned Dark Sun was the manifestation of a dark sun from a faraway plane. Dark hearted suns need to feed on other suns to maintain their their essence and avoid death. So, these dark suns jump from plane to plane, absorbing suns and subsequently destroying realms. This Dark Sun had journeyed here to do the same, and only needed to obtain the Sol-Lance to complete its task.   Dark Sun meet their end in its lair, miles below the planet at the hands of the Erron Boldensoul and the Sol-Lance.   Nobody actually knows anything about Dark Suns gospel or the entity itself beyond what The Oath learned from The Numerians writings. Most of his followers were killed in the all-consuming explosion at the end of the Crisis, and those who survived, have no recollection of their time under its service.
Name: Unknown
Race: Unknown
Home: Unknown
Race: Unkown
Class: Unknown
Lifespan: Unknow - 1527 AC


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