The Zurlandor Crisis Military Conflict in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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The Zurlandor Crisis

The crisis was a potential cataclysmic event, perpetrated by the mysterious being known as Dark Sun. Ultimately the crisis was thwarted by the heroics of The Fireheart Oath and the fortitude of the Ankeryan Army under the command of Ryzather Safaverder of Tunesta . The Crisis lasted from 1521 AC until Dark Sun's defeat in 1527 AC.   Around 1521 AC, the Ankerya Central Committee began receiving strange reports of mysterious rituals being performed in the Minonia Desert. The night sky filled with strange lights, and villagers reported hearing deep groans from the base of the Taegyu mountains. Investigations into the area discovered empty villages, and abandoned caravans. Eventually, the investigators tracked down wanderers deep within the desert. They said a strange entity named Dark Sun had arrived in the lands. It went from village to village preaching with incomprehensible messages about great beings and purification. Regardless of how incoherent the wanderers made the preaching sound; it seemed many locals began worshipping him as some sort of God. Dark Sun had created a massive following, and somewhere deep in the desert, a massive structure was being built.   The committee sent expeditions into the desert; most came back empty, and a few never returned. Eventually, an incoming trade caravan reported seeing the structure, and was able to give the Commitee exact coordinates. The committee tasked legendary Ankeryan rogue and spy Erron Boldensoul with infiltrating the structure and report back his findings. He returned almost five months later with a sobering report. The Entity known as Dark Sun had amassed a following of tens of thousands. Its Heralds roam the desert spreading its obtuse philosophies; manipulating people to join the growing cult. The structure they are building seemed to be a massive upside-down ziggurat, but Erron could not surmise what its purpose was exactly. He theorized the structure was built to perform some ritual that has to do with the sun. But it sounded like Dark Sun needs to find a certain object to complete the ritual, and it happens to be buried somewhere in the desert. Dark Sun's armies roam the desert, occupying ruins; killing anyone who dared come near.   Overtime it was learned that the ruins being sought out by Dark Sun in the desert were built by an ancient civilization called the The Numerians . It was decided, the ruins needed to be investigated, and kept out of the hand of Dark Sun's cult. General Ryzather Safaverder was tasked with leading the Ankerya army into desert to find and protect newly discovered Numerian Ruins and dislodge Cultist from any others found occupied. Erron and The Fireheart Oath were brought on board by Ryzather to help investigate the ruins.   Through multiple investigations of Numerian ruins the Fireheart Oath discovered that the Numerians came into contact with a group of plane jumpers called the Zurlandors. They had escaped their own and ended up here. They brought with them a tale about how a manifestation of a sun came to their plane and destroyed it. The Zurlandors brought with them an artifact of immense power, and said it was important to place it somewhere safe. In exchange for helping them build a vault to house the artifact, the Zurlandors passed great arcane knowledge onto the Numerians. The Fireheart Oath confirmed this by researching Numerian records housed at the Bordeloux annex of The Academy of Arcanium. They kept some of the knowledge hoping the arcane techniques written about could help them if confronted by Dark Sun.   Ryzather continued his campaign, slowly out maneuvering the Dark Sun Cultists, and freeing ruins from their control. The Fireheart Oath uncovered a magical map hidden away deep within the Cyrentian Citadel Ruins. It highlighted areas across the desert that contained important relics that would light the way to the Zurlander artifact. The Oath endeavored on and collected the relics, coming into conflict with many of Dark Sun's most powerful champions. The mightiest of them was Falthron The Wise. From him, the Oath learned of Dark Sun's true motive and identity. The ziggurat was a craft he planned to lift into the air and move towards the heavens. From there, using the The Sol-Lance , he would pierce our sun, absorb it, and use its power to purify this plane. Dark Sun was not just an intraplane entity, he was the manifestation of a sun... a dark hearted sun that needed to eat other suns to survive. All of his power came from the many suns he consumed in plane after plane. The purification was actually destruction. With the final relic, the Oath learned not only the location of the Sol-Lance, but how to use it, and that it was the only weapon capable of destroying Dark Sun.   With the Sol-Lance in hand; the Oath and Ryzather's army began the assault against the structure and its defenders. The battle was hard and fierce, but eventually, Ryzather's army carved a path for the Oath take, right into the heart of the Ziggurat. Deep down in the depths of the structure, the Oath and Dark Sun battled. The Oath was able to use the Sol-Lance; destroying Dark Sun; and obliterating the structure as well in a massive all-consuming blast. With the Crisis was ended, Ryzather and the survivors of the Oath returned to Trebiya celebrated as this generation of Terranians greatest heroes.
1521 AC to 1527 AC


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