Dwarvinum Geographic Location in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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Dwarvinum is the human name for the ancestorial homeland of the Dwarven folk. The lands are made up of an alliance of eleven political entities, most of them kingdoms. The lands stretch along the Karaktorn Mountain Range running north south along the western edge of Northern Umbregia.  


The Dwarves say the records of their people go back to 12000 BC; Elven records first mention encountering the dwarves around 10000 BC. For the Dwarves their religion explains they are the God Moradin's chosen people. His domain exists deep under the ground, and when the invasion by Orcish Gods threatened his domain, he created the Dwarves to protect the many passages to his domain deep within the mountains. At some point later, the Dwarves lost the favor of Moradin, and the passages were sealed and lost. Dwarven culture nowadays focuses on regaining Mordan's trust and favor so his passages may reopen once again.   The bulk of Dwarven history has been a struggle against their many neighbors. Much of their earlier history was devoted to multi-generational clashes against the Orc's in the north and Elves in the South. But like all great folks, rivalries created discord among their ranks, and as the external threats lessened, internal strife arose. The Great Fracturing happened in 3072 BC, when the formerly united Dwarven lands shattered in a collection of twenty-seven warring states. Over the next three thousand years, the mountains of Karaktorn were filled with Dwarven blood, spilled by their own kin.   In 56 BC, the Dwarven King of Maroluhm; Belemar Sternhammer was able to unite the Dwarves once again. Unlike most uniters, Belemar did not use the pointed end of an axe to force cooperation, but expert use of the tip of his pen to convince the Dwarven kings to come together. Belemar emphasized the concept of the Dwarves' lost place as Moradin's chosen. They had been misled away their purpose in life, and as such would never be able to reopen the passages to Moradin's domain. He pointed to the lost city of Thurnums; conquered by the Orcs almost a thousand years earlier; the abandoned Cragglarok peaks the reached out towards the Kragkul desert, and the disrepair the religious heart of Dwarvinum; the city of Khomturum; had been left in after three thousand years of war. So, Belemar crafted the Ebony Table; and invited the leaders of the Dwarven Kingdoms to come and convene in a moot to decide the future of Dwarvinum. Leading to the creation of the Ebony Pact and the Great Era of Peace which still continues to this day.   The prosperity of the Great Era of Peace had unforeseen effects in Dwarinum though. With great opportunity and wealth to be had, many Dwarves started to branch out from the Karaktorn mountains and began a massive migration into the western riverlands and coastlines (due to the instability created and threat posed by the bludgeoning Githyankium Empire to the East). The small trade stations and farming hamlets grew into bustling and dense urban cities. As of today, the vast majority Dwarves in Dwarvinum life here instead of the ancient fortresses high up and in Karaktorn. There, only the oldest noble families and pious zealots still reside; along with of course the massive mining apparatus the Dwarves still maintain. The political power still holds strong in the citadels of Karaktorn, but the cultural heart of Dwarvinum has shifted out.   But it appears the end of the Great Era of Peace might be on the horizon. In 1637 AC, a massive dispute arose between the Kingdoms of Varnedum and Gegbauhr. Something deep under Mount Thorekuhm immediately created friction between the Kings (the "something" has never been revealed outside of the Dwarvinum Moot). It is unclear who's domain has the rightful claim of ownership of whatever was found. But, the event created factionalism that went eventually unresolved. The climax happened in 1701 AC; when The King of Varnedum; Haradin Hathgan smashed the Ebony Table into pieces with his massive warhammer. The symbolism of this event is obvious. While open conflict has not happened yet, many brace and prepare for it.  


Mountain Dwarves

The name for the Dwarves that have stayed in the Karaktorn Mountains. They have a strong conviction for the worship of Moradin, and the traditional Dwarven life.  

Hill Dwarves

What those who migrated to the lowlands have been named. While they still hold a strong connection to Moradin, the change in lifestyle and culture of the lowlands life has shifted the way they worship Moradin. Also, the worship of Berronar (deity of safety, truth, home, and healing) and Marthammor Duin (deity of Travel and Protection) have become a central part of Hill Dwarf identity. Hill Dwarves have been the major majority population, and more than likely, the type of Dwarf you will encounter in Terrania.  


Also known as the Deep Dwellers. Almost unknown to anyone outside of Deepest reaches of the Karaktorn Mountains. They were a faction of Dwarves that burrowed deep under the mountains to live and be closer to Moradin. They spend their entire lives underground, and their culture is entirely built around the pursuit of recreating the passages to Moradins domain. Little to nothing is known about them beyond the scant details found in ancient tomes of Dwarvinum.  


Their traditional homeland in and around the northern ranges of the Thraggnok Mountains. They have been isolated from Mountain Dwarf communities, but many have immersed themselves in the lowland and coastal settlements of Hill Dwarfs.

King Belemar Announces the Creation of the Ebony Table Pact

Alternative Name(s)
Kalan Karaktornal
Location under


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