Elvenium Geographic Location in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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Elvenium is what the humans of Terrania call the Elven homeland of Aszuria. It is from this continent that all elves from our plane can draw their linage from.  


The records of Aszuria can be traced back to around 16,500 BC. As it currently stands, the Aszurians are by far the oldest of all the races on this mortal realm. The elves themselves have been unable to surmise their true origins, but according to the gospels of their pantheon, Corellon himself is to have sent their souls away from the heavenly alter-realm (Elylerrium) to to our plane. Corellon had been fighting off an invasion by the Orcish-God Gruumsh, and sought to protect his faithful's souls by building a protective plane for them to inhabit. The paramount belief among the elves is the aspiration to have their souls returned to Elylerrium.   The subsequent history of Elvenium has been filled with era's of strife and war. Numerous continent spanning wars with Dwarvinum have almost led both lands to ruin. The only entities the elves have fought with more than the Dwarves, have been themselves. Religious conflict, territorial conquest, the succession of thrones; all these have flared up often and led to long brutal clashes.   This was until the rise of the Dragon King; Aurrelion of Gondolin. After a long struggle with his brother, Nylerrion (who's linage still claim the throne to this day) over the succession of the Gondolin throne, Aurrelion sought to pacify the Elven land. An entity known as Eresh from the Mistborne Isle had amassed a massive following on the continent, and strove to enslave the remaining Corellon elves. Aurrelion knew only a united Aszuria could resist Eresh. He set off the unite the lands and accomplished such in 1300 BC. He, leading the united Aszurians, was able to purge Eresh's control, pushing the entity back to the Mistborne Isle. It is there, Eresh remains eternally bound in a massive magical prison. Shortly after, Aurrelion announced he would ascend to Elylerrium, and return to Aszuria if it was ever threatened again.   The next era of Elvenium history was dominated by the struggle between Aurrelion's and Nylerrion's ancestors. Both sides sought to control the Gondolin throne and reassert control of Aszuria. Neither side could ever maintain firm control, and therefore the supremacy of the Gondolin seat wanned, and Aszuria became a fractured mosaic of dukedoms, city states and petty kingdoms.   In 1598 AC the return of Aurrelion sent shockwaves through not only Elvenium but the rest of Umbregia and Terrania as well; for it meant great strife was returning to our world. Aurrelion explained his return was to prepare Elvenium to combat the growing evil threatening not just Elylerrium and Aszuria but the entire world as well. The Eternal King has never divulged what that threat is directly, and only his closest confidents have been given privy. The lands of Elvenium recognized the Eternal King as their true liege, and thus the lands became united again.... nominally.   As it stands, Aurrelion has been bogged down trying to remedy the constant bickering and numerous backstabbing that has been a hallmark of Elvenium since his ascent. Instead of working on uniting the lands and preparing its warriors for battle, he has been mediating the pettiest of squabbles. One of this first steps was to take the Nylerrion's most direct female heir (Elymerria Moonborne of Tor Forlac) as his wife. The hope is their son would unite the two lines. Unfortunately, Aurrelion and Elymerria have been unable to produce a child. This has created a great sense of fatalism within Elvenium and the ceasing of hostilities between the two factions is tenuous at best. Ystmerrian, Duke of Tirion and an heir of Nylerrion, has become the most vocal and most powerful advisory of the Aurrelion regime. The Eternal King is also struggling with the concentration of the worship of the Cult of Lustheart-Hanali among the Drow Elves in the southern lands. The version of Hanali they worship is highly heretical, and many outsiders believe they have been corrupted by a dark force. Aurrelion wishes to avoid bloodshed, and therefore has long sought the uses of diplomacy to bring the cultists back into the fold.  


High Elves

Consider themselves to be the true heirs of Correllon and devoted almost exclusively to him. They are mostly concentrated in the Western, Central and Southeastern cities dotting the rivers and coasts. They are the most common type of elf of Elvenium.  

Drow Elves

The Drow are concentrated in the volcanic Southern lands. The massive sprawling capital city of Nargothrond is the spiritual and ancestorial home of the Drow. Their folklore posits their ancestors were shunned by their High Elf brethren after touching down upon this plane due to a fraternal conflict that had origins in Elyerrium. The original Drow trekked through the hostile volcanic landscape until Angharradh guided them to a refugee that would become known as Nargothrond. Due to their isolation, their religion and culture has developed somewhat uniquely. While they still hold a strong allegiance to Correlon, their worship and culture favor Angharradh; Hanali (Goddess of Love), Sehanine Moonbow (Goddess of the Moon) and Aerdrie Faenya (Goddess of Wind). As a result, their civilization is significantly more matriarchal than the High Elf lands. Lastly, the region mostly supported Nylerrion and his linage's claim to the throne of Gondolin, and it has been the source of much resentment between Drow and High elves.  

Sylvin Elves

The Sylvin's are a patchwork of small tribal communities concentrated deep within the old growth forests, lush jungles and pristine swamplands covering most of the central spine of Elvenium. Their ancestor's following the guidance of Rillifane Rallathil (Deity of Nature) sought to tie themselves to the land of their new world. Through their isolation, the worship of Corellon ceased, leaving them at odds with the High Elves surrounding their isolated communities. Throughout the long periods of war and strike, the Sylvin's have favored neutrality and strove for insulating themselves from the destructiveness happening outside their enclaves. But, after the ascension of Aurellion, the Sylvin enclaves have constantly been caught up in the crossfire of the numerous inter-factional disputes by the High Elves. This is resulted in the destruction and desertion of large swathes of Sylvin land due to war and persecution. Many have either forgone the isolation and assimilated into the High Elf cities or migrated away from Elvenium entirely (many resettling in Terrania of all places).  

Mare Elves

Much like the Sylvin, the ancestors of the Mare found themselves guided by a non-Correllon diety; that of Sashelas (Deity of the Sea). They went east founding the Arlon Citadel, which became the heart of the Mare Elf culture. Drawn to the sea, the Mare have focused on exploring the vast oceans and settling along the coasts; all to please Sashelas. The Sea Elves are currently caught up in the growing conflict over the Islands of the Tortledom Sea. Expansionist minded Sea Captains have long sought to control the islands at the expense of the Tortles that reside there. This has also brought them into direct conflict with Lizardman exodus into the same islands. Aurrelion has called for the Mare Elves to cease their colonization, but the Arlon Citadel continued to ignore the request.  


Most if not all Genasi can trace their ancestry back to Elvenium. To many non-elf's, it's hard to distinguish between Elves and Genasi. There are still many cloistered communities around the continent, but for the most part, many generations of Genasi have left Elvenium.

The Return from Elylerrium by The Eternal King and his Retinue.

The Elven City of Amon Lac

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