Garroth Lockley Character in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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Garroth Lockley

Garroth is considered one of Pierce's greatest heroes, and his exploits have become a favorite story for many young Terranians growing up; regaled in the series of books known as the Lethal Umbra Series. He was considered one the most infamous thieves in Pierce until one of his capers caused him to become tangled up in a local political struggle that spiraled out of control and threatened the stability of the Kingdom. He went from heists for greed to daring escapades for good, and thus became one of the Kingdom's most surprising defenders.  


Garroth was born in small town of Meadurn along the Reinhart Coast in Pierce. He ran away from home at a very young age, and ended up in the bustling city of Wessuxton. He spent the majority of his youth as a street urchin, learning how to survive off of petty thievery. As a teenager, his skills caught the eye of a local fixer named Bertram Lorland. Bertram saw much talent in the young boy and began mentoring him the art of stealth, subterfuge, and thievery. The two went on to engage in an incredibly lucrative partnership.   In 1505 AC, Garroth and Bertram took a contract from relative newcomer to Wessuxton; a man named Christantine Ornthorpe. He wanted Garroth to steal an object housed deep in The Builders headquarter vault. It was a dangerous job, but incredibly rewarding. Garroth and Bertram could not say no to the promised fortune awaiting them. Garroth was able to obtain the object and return it to Christantine, but it was a double cross; Christantine combined the object with another and using a dark energy, killed Bertram and almost killed Garroth. Garroth escaped by the hair of his chin, and eventually got tangled up in the ongoing event known as the The Hammer and Anvil Affair .   Unsure what to do Garroth was eventually contacted by a Builder Lieutenant named Victoria Ambright. She told him that Christantine was the leader of an extremist sect of Mielikki worshippers known as the The Old Growth . They were planning to not only destroy the Builders, but Wessuxton as well. Victoria offered substantial gold for Garroth's help, and while the coin was certainly a major incentive, Garroth also had revenge on the mind. Eventually Victoria and Garroth were able to find out the location the hidden headquarters of the Old Growth in the city. While fighting raged in the streets all around, Garroth and Victoria pulled off an elaborate ruse that cornered Christantine, and disarmed him of the artifact. The Vice-Commander of the Builders Neilson Willchestor arrived to apprehend Christantine, but with Garroth handing over the artifact, Neilson revealed himself to be the main orchestrator of everything. He took both artifacts, killed Constantine and severely wounded Garroth, who was left for dead.   Garroth woke up a few weeks later to find Victoria saved him, taking him outside the city to rest and recuperate. She told him she realized too late Neilson manipulating things from behind the scenes. Neilson had usurped control of the organization and had seized control of the city. She told Garroth she was going to return to the city, and work with a group looking to undermine Neilson. When Garroth healed fully he should return to Wessuxton to help take down Neilson. After a few months of recovery, Garroth decided he would return to Wessuxton; the thought of running away cross his mind but getting crossed twice did not sit well with him. He wanted to final get one over on them.   The Wessuxton Garroth returned to was one filled with oppression and suspicion. But, he with Victoria as his fixer, worked his way through countless capers meant to undermine the Nielson regime. Garroth eventually came across a vitally important document that detailed a plan to use the artifacts to take out the Ravencrest royal family and seize the Pierce throne. As Garroth tried to hand the document off to a crown contact, Nielsons soldiers ambushed them, killing the contact. Garroth was able to flee but just barely. He took the document back to Victoria, who advised him to leave the city, and get the document back to the crown in person. Garroth reluctantly left, and began making his way to Ravenmount.   In Ravenmount he tracked down the Crown Guard Commander; Antony Hallback. Antony seemed reluctant at first, but once Garroth showed him the document, his demeanor changed immediately. He told Garroth to deliver this document and his intel to Queen Katherine directly and arranged an indirect meeting. There the Queen told him she had suspicious of Nielson's treachery. She wanted to do something about his regime in Wessuxton, but the Builder sycophants planted in her court and parliament obscured her view and prevented action. With these documents and Garroth's intel, she would lockdown things in Ravenmount and move towards ending Nielson's regime. As asked Garroth to work on behalf of the crown, and continue to undermine Nielson, until she could make her move. Garroth would be contacted when the pieces were in place.   Garroth returned to Wessuxton to find out Victoria had been apprehended by Nielson's soldiers. He planned and pulled off an elaborate jailbreak, freeing Victoria and many enemies of the regime. With their ranks boasted, Victoria and Garroth became more aggressive, launching daring raids on Builder outposts, capturing soldiers for interrogation, and igniting cashes of weapons and armor. Eventually, The Queen's Crown Agents contacted Garroth, everything was ready. So, they hatched their plan to lure Nielson out, and trap him. The night of Shar's Brillance the plan was launched. Using Victoria and Garroth as bait, Nielson and his men were lured out into the open. Just as Victoria and Garroth were cornered, the Pierce Crown Agents emerged from the darkness, and a melee ensued. During the fight, Garroth was able to disarm Nielson, and take hold of the artifacts, forcing Nielson to give up his struggle.   For his service to the crown and country; Queen Catherine knighted him, absolved Garroth of any and all crimes post hence, and bequeathed him the estate of Fairlawn, making him a Lord and Sir. Garroth lived out his days as a Lord and advisor to the Crown Agents.   The exploits of Garroth during the Anvil and Hammer Affair wasnt known to the outside world until after Garroth's death. Victoria's granddaughter, Lynn Hazehouse discovered her grandmothers' diaries. She, finding the utterly enthralling, sought out to learn everything she could of Sir Garroths life before Fairlawn. That research eventually became the Lethal Umbra series, that would go on to become one of the most popular books in Terrania.
Name: Sir Garroth Lockley
Honorables: Man of Shadows, Garroth the Golden, Lord Fairlawn Estate
Hometown: Meadurn, Pierce
Lifespan: 1487 AC - 1579 AC


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