Rylida was a principal figure during the
The Trail of the Twelve as the Twelve seemed interested in finding her former residences, and an artifact she apparently hid.
The little we know about Rylida comes from the writings of Theo Hardie about what
The Pranathe Three discovered about her in their investigation.
She was an exceptionally adept wizard and manipulator of the arcane. For a time, she taught very popular seminars at the Pranathe Domes of Scholarship. She apparently had a connection to the Academy of Arcanium but it's unclear to role she played there. Something (which we do not know) happened in her past and caused her to spend her life in forced obscurity and always on the move. From Theo's writings, he say they (The Three) witnessed how she perished, but did not learn the how, why or who did it.
In the years since the publication of the story, many have sought more information about her. But all inquiries have come up empty. It's almost as if her existence has been purposely scrubbed from world.