The Pranathe Three in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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The Pranathe Three

Theo Hardie

Much of what we know about Theo comes from the many books he wrote, including the popular Pranathe Three series which colorfully described the exploits of him and his two compatriots. He was a halfling that was born and raised in Wessuxton in the Kingdom of Pierce . He trained as a Eloquence Bard at the prestigious Gerholm College. It is here he says, he was hand picked by the Intelligence Wing of the Ravenmount Throne, known as the Ebony Feather. He says he served as a Feather for many years until he left to join the The Acastus Consortium. It's unclear if, (and rumored), he was still a part of the Ebony Feather, never leaving it, and therefore acted as a spy for the Ravenmount throne during his journeys throughout Varangia.   Theo says the lucrative success of the The Trail of the Twelve (the name of the 3rd book in series, which became the common name for the real-life event) allowed him to concentrate on his writing while living lavishly in Jergencrest. His published stories of the Pranathe Three became a smash hit in not only Varangia but Toussaint as well. He continued travelling around Terrania while writing more fantastical tales.   In his later years, it became apparent the strange things he witnessed during the Trail of the Twelve weighed heavily on his mind. His writing became essentially incoherent rambling about great unknowns. He spent the last years of his life sequestered in his large estate in Jergencrest. When he passed, he left behind thousands of pages bound together as an insane manuscript that has never been deciphered.  

Rechsteiner Cuirtete

Rechsteiner was a lizardfolk hailing from the swamps of northern Toussaint . His ancestors had come from the Lizardlands in Umbregia many years prior to work as mercenaries during one of the regions many family disputes. For service done, they were bequeathed land in the swaps to build homes and serve in future endeavors. At a young age Rechsteiner set off for adventure and to hone his skills in magic and cooking. The world held many interesting ingredients which he hoped to discover and perfect the use of. He ended up in Jergencrest, working for the The Acastus Consortium as a member. to make end meet It is here he met and began working with the other two of the Pranathe Three.   With the lucrative success of Trail of the Twelve, Rechsteiner used the riches to fund a new restaurant in heart of Jergencrest. It quickly became must-see destination for its unique blend of traditional Lizardfolk and Toussant cuisine as well as Rechsteiner innovative use of "magic" to cook his meals. But the restaurant, even though it was the most popular and renown on the continent couldn't turn a profit and eventually closed because Rechsteiner financial savvy was severely lacking.   Rechsteiner decided to return to Toussaint and rediscover his roots. While there he meet and befriended a former chef and wealthy financier named Jicques Papan who had been a huge fan of Rechsteiner restaurant and cooking abilities. Jicques convinced Rech to try again, and with Papan's support and guidance, Rechsteiner went on to open many successful restaurants in Bassoint. The most famous, Le Sourire du Crocodile has its doors open to this day. He also went on to start the renowned Le Cordon Vert School which would go on to train many of the world's best chefs in the centuries to come. Rechsteiner is considered the father of Lizzaint cuisine, and his impact can be felt to this day around the Terrania.  

Melg Melgson The Son of Melg

Melg was a dwarf that was born and rasied in Terrania, but its unknown where and when that happened. We dont know much about him, and what we do comes from the details mentioned by Theo in his writings. Melg Melgson The Son of Melg had followed in his footsteps of his father, Melg (hence the name). He swore a oath to Helm and set off to carry on Helms will and bring honor to the Melg name.   Melg left the Pranathe Three after the events of the Trail of the Twelve. While the other two lived lavish lifestyles, Melg felt a higher calling. He left Jergencrest to follow Helm, and journey off across the land. There are reports of him fighting undead in the Madrinada Badlands, journeying into the volcanos of Jippon's Fire Spine, Entering the restricted Old Growths of Taegyu and crossing the Minonia Desert in Ankerya ... twice. The last account of him is that he decided to make his way into Southern Toussaint. He had heard of a famous Clerical Order devoted to Helm and sought to join them. Many speculate he may have come into contact with the abyssal hordes spilling forth from the The Great Cataclysm of the Darnelles while others joke he joined the all-female The Sisters of St Lucretcia . Regardless, his record goes dark here, and its unknown what became of him.


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