Selune, Goddess of the Moon in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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Selune, Goddess of the Moon

Our guide through the darkness. Selune is an important deity for anyone dealing with life after the sun sets, for it is her moon that protects us from being enveloped in darkness. She is the sister to the Lord of Day, Lathander and the Mistress of Darkness; Shar


Shrines to Selune are erected in the open air and offer sanctuary for those moving through the night. Sailors might offer a prayer to her if their ships try to slip through the dark waters. Travelers will often make an offering to her to ensure her moonlight illuminates their path. Selune has long been a bastion for those who feel lost or need protection. When darkness clouds the mind, Selune and her priests (The White Cloaks) can provide guidance to move through the darkness, and follow the light. Its pale glow offers safe shelter. For this reason, the temples of Selune and Shar are forever locked in an unending advisorial struggle. The Prolonged Night was the culmination of their conflict. The aftermath led to reconciliation between the two temples and reformation of each of their dogmas.  


Selune arrived with her brother and twin sister; and was given the task of protecting our plane. Her brother would protect half with his firery brillance, and she would the other half with her pale glow. Shar would fill the space between. This obvious resulted in resentment by Shar towards her sister and led to many instances of her trying to undermine and usurp Selune. During the The Shattering; the death of Lathander left Selune severely wounded and incapacitated for most of the ordeal. Surprisingly, Shar did not use this opportunity to consume her sister, but instead, led a prolonged defense of Selune and the Pantheon. Eventually, Selune was able to recover, and her and her sister fought shoulder to shoulder in the climatic final battle. Shar and Selune together, their Spears of Darkness and Moonlight in concert with one another pierced the divinity of Bane, God of Oppression, Dominance and Tyranny ushering in the end of The Condemned Gods of Terrania threat.


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