Session 1 Plot in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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Session 1

24th Day of Solunda, 1762 AC

The party arrives to Platzburg, a city within The Primrose Compact . All three characters were inticed to take on a contract with the allure of coin and information pertinent to certain motivations.   The three end up meeting their contact, Renard Kerthzorn who explains they will take on a contract at the The Acastus Consortium.   At the Acastus they meet the Commander, Reese Aachen and a fellow Acastus member Zeldra Amboise (part of a group known as the Crestfallen Four). Reese explains a ruin that was supposed to be excavated, began exhibiting supernatural elements. Deeming the site too dangerous, a contract was put through to the Acastus to investigate the disturbance and end it. The party and the Crestfallen Four will work together on this contract.   The two groups head to the village of Brunsweck. While there, the village is suddenly attacked by a horde of undead. The two parties fend off the horde and head to the ruin to stop whatever is causing the situation.   Inside the party discovers more undead, and are taunted by a obscured foe from a distance. The party defeats the undead horrors and the cultists left in the ruin. They knockout and apprehend on of the cultists, and find evidence of necromancy (which is banned), a folio that belongs to the The Academy of Arcanium. The two groups deem the contract meet and return to Platzburg.
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