Platzburg Settlement in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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The city is ruled by Baroness Teira Prunztler and her city council. The city itself falls under the jurisdiction of the The Duchy of Walderstein and Duchess Margrit Diesmeyer .

Industry & Trade

The city sits as the access point for all trade going up and down the River Brunn. Many goods making their way NW to Walderstein, Vandermeir and Halverheim stop by the city. The Platzburg port authority inspects all goods as they must be off loaded from ocean bearing ships to the river ones necessary for navigating up the river, so it has become one of the more important administrative centers in western Primrose. Many trade guilds in both Primrose and Varangia have representatives working in the city tasked with ensuring the movement of their goods and capital flows unimpeded.


The city is built around two main roads: Arnelds Way running north-south and Barons Avenue running east-west. Barons way is important as it links the heart of the city with the important Platzburg Bridge, linking Varangia and Primrose. Many people arriving to Platzburg will do so either across the bridge or from the Main Docks.


There are three main districts in Plazburg.
The North Bank - Houses the fishermans dock, and many of Platzburg's houses of learning.
The South Bank - From the main docks many of the city's commerce and travel pass through this district. As a result, this area is home to many of the trade houses and markets.
Barons Quarter - The east section of the city is home to the Baroness residence, the city hall, and many of the city's most influential and important residents.

Guilds and Factions

The Academy of Arcanium Annex - Lead by Head Dean Marsha Reldei.
The Acastus Consortium - Oversaw by Commander Reece Aachen


The area Platzburg sits has long be inhabited by civilization around 375AC the land was bequethed by the Alessian Empire to a group of retiring soldiers. From here, the citizens built a small fishing village that slowly grew as an important bridge town linking to the Alessian province of Umbrix.   The city was essentially abandoned during the raids on Alessian coast during the 900s. But, within a century it had been resettled. By 1100AC it had been annexed by the growing Three Sisters cities, and subsequently became part of The Duchy of Walderstein in 1235 AC.   In the early-mid 1650s, Platzburg was the setting for the 1st conflict between the The Vogelreiter's and The Morgenthau's  that would become known as the War of the Silverbloods . Significant sections of the South Bank docks ended up being destroyed, but as part of the end of hostilities agreement, they were rebuilt and expanded upon using indemnities paid by the families.

Points of interest


The Nordgate Inn - Bed and Breakfast run by a human woman named Mitherda. Simple meals and cheap beds; serves the locals and fishing Copmmunity centered around Nordgate.
Grand Platzburg Inn - Found in the central plaza of the city. Upscale, servicing high profile traders and dignitaries. Many Primrose and Guild representatives on business in the city stay here. The Jungschwartz family owns and runs the inn.
The South Gate Inn - The favored spot for folks with short layovers in the city, tradefolks and local dock workers. Good selection of wines and ales, and decent grub. Run by a halfling named Reggie.


Jaegers Stop - No thrills general store owned by a Rald Ulffurn, focusing on equipment for folks working outside the walls.
Corelina's Cocactions - Corelina is an alchemist, and retired lecturer from the local Arcanium Annex. Specializes in potions and herbal remedies.
Anvil's Anger - Smithy and Arms shop run by dwarf brothers, Kreigmorn and Kruglorn. Good deals can be found, as the store is often a dumping grounds for goods from merchants looking to offload bad investments, either because they are unable to move upstream, or fluctuating prices caught them at a bad time.

Places of Worship

Savras & Lathander Complex - Joint temple complex oversaw by Istmyer of Savras and Peytr of Lathander
Temple of Chauntea - An open temple local farmers use to make offerings
Temple of Oghma - An extension of the Library and School. 
Founding Date
375 AC (est)
Alternative Name(s)
Gem of the Tyrol Isle
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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