Pierce Geographic Location in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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Modern Day Pierce is a land beset by problems. Internal strife and external pressures have tipped the region down into a spiral of despair. Successors of the once mighty Ravenmount Throne look to cast off the Maravian yoke, and lead the Ebony Lands back to prominence.  


Since 1333, the lands of Pierce had been ruled absolutely by the Ravencrest descendants of Isabel Ravencrest , the first and greatest Queen. After the events of the The Setleth Conspiracy the Ebony Throne resides in the halls of Maravia. Currently, Pierce is nominally governed by the elected Parliament in Wessuxton. It has ruled in the stead of the empty throne. Originally, the body had been created to give council to the Throne, but now acts as it steward. The Parliament dictates governance down through the various Barons that rule the checkboard regions of Pierce directly. In the last few decades, the Parliament has been stocked with indivudals supportive of Maravian interests and therefore, continue to forcefully stripe away autonomy, and cede more and more influence to the Duke in Maravia.  

Culture and Economy

Pierce has long sought to balance mercantilism and argiculture. The lands to the south are rich and abundant in natural resources. Umberland and Wessuxton hum with industry as those resources and bended to the will of craftspeople. For a time, Pierce was the major exporter of manufactured good in Terrania. Unfortunately, the impact of Umbregia imported goods has negatively impacted the economy of Pierce as Dwarven, Gnomish and Elvish goods have been seen as being more desirable. The loss of its trade leverage allowed for the their rivals in to the South, Primrose to surpass them as the main destination point of incoming trade.   The northern lands have always yielded robust and consistent agricultural output. The lush grazing fields of Berwickton and Yorkelton (now the Reinhart city of Hollerhozellen) sustained the engines of industry to the south. Considering the vast majority of Pierces population resides in farming hamlets, the rustic lifestyle of country live became the norm. Even the most affluent urban noble still spent the majority of their time in participating in the harvesting of crops from the sun kissed lands around their pastoral manors.    


For much of its history, the lands that would become the modern day Pierce were a wildland, inhabited by rough folks who lived violent and short lives. The precursor tribes were known as the Ricts, and were notorious for the rugged defense of their homelands and brutal rituals. During the times of the Alessian Empire, the lands of Pierce were the frontier of the east. The Rict tribes and city states stemmed the tide of Alessain expansion along the Alben River. However, the influence of Alessia slowly pacified and civilized the Ricts, which lead to the tribes forgoing their ancient beliefs in favor of Alessian ones. population and     The Hammer and Anvil Affairstabilizinggrowing and used her wooden wall to establish and maintain regional supremacy launching what would become known as the Peircean Golden Age from 1550 to 1680. Trade flourished, as its lands became an important stopping point for not only Umbregia goods, but also those making the Terranian circumnavigational trip from the Medialulem Sea. Its ports flourished, and its rulers lived a life of luxury and excess.   But overtime; as the Primrose Compact grew in economic and political power, the Piercians waned. A succession of poor and ineffectual Ravencrests quickly lead to a steep decline in the Kingdoms prestige. This culminated in a popular uprising against Gregor Ravencrest VI in 1713; and eventually allowed the Sethleth Conspiracy to trigger leaving the Kingdom in the precarious position it is currently in today.
Title: The Kingdom of Pierce
Founded: 1333 AC
Capital: Ravenmount (historical), Wessuxton (current)
Ruler: vacant; de facto ruler is the Duke of Maravia, Werner II


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