
Although topics of sexuality are not discussed in polite society, Eisenvolk are more relaxed than many other countries of Europa, and all sorts of things happen behind closed doors. Brothels exist at every level of society, from elegant estates full of beautiful, talented courtesans to the grimmest of back-alley whorehouses.   The finest brothels in Novandria are typically known as Houses, and are patronized by the nobility and wealthy of the city. Houses can vary in size, but are always exquisitely decorated, with some of the best food and drink to be found in the city. Many Houses feature luxurious amenities such as saunas or massage rooms, as well as sumptuous rooms for the House’s members to work from. The Confidantes who work out of these Houses are the best the Guild has to offer, trained in all arts of pleasure and sensuality -- a night at a House is an -experience- , not just a roll in the sheets, and the price of such a night can be exorbitant.   Novandria’s middle class citizens are more likely to visit one of the city’s bordellos. These tend to be plain but tidy buildings, usually with a parlor for gambling and drinking, bawdy entertainment, and perhaps a lounge for legal drug use. Workers may have their own rooms for usage to entertain clients, or may share on rotation. Confidantes working out of a bordello may be a new journeyer still polishing their skills, older members of the guild no longer taking contracts for more than a night, or those who wish to work in a more simple, comfortable atmosphere.   Brothels in the poorest areas of town are whorehouses in truth, dens of misfortune, exploitation, and oftentimes cruelty. These buildings are often shabby, threadbare, and dusty, with few amenities; workers will typically have to share rooms, possibly even seeing clients in the same room at the same time. Illicit gambling and drug use are frequent sights in these brothels. Workers are not members of the Confidantes Guild; instead, they are usually those who have no other choice but to pursue sex work, for lack of options or lack of money.


Upper and middle class brothels are run by the The Circle of Confidence and often employ entertainment from the The Most Noble Society of Bardic and Performing Artisans. Brothels in the poorest areas of town are typically controlled in some fashion by The Syndicate.
Important Locations
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