
“The Stoneborn? They’re solid folk. Real down to earth types. They’ve been molding the bones of the world and exploring it since they were first created by the gods from metal, rocks, and dirt.”

Stoneborn History

The Stoneborn have a very mixed history due to having been created by several gods. In the past, there have been major conflicts between them, but in modern times they are more likely to have disputes over country pride rather than racial pride.   The Dwarves are believed to be the oldest of the Stoneborn, though not the first race in the world. According to legend, Rhemnys looked at the world and realized that things needed to be built, but he also realized that there was a lot to do and he needed help, so the first thing he did was to create Dwarves to be his assistants. The world was wild then so he made them hearty, granted a bit of divine spark which became their creativity, and released them into the world. Though he occasionally checks in with them and provides updates, he’s generally been happy with the course the Dwarves have taken.   Among the Stoneborn the Firbolg are one of the most mystically inclined. According to their oral history, the first firbolg was born from a giantess that found their way into Feywild. The giantess met and fell in love with an Eladrin, and together they adventured through the Feywild. The two decided they wished for a child but despite their best efforts they could not. So the giantess called upon her patron god, Sephira. Sephira, seeing their adventuring spirits and love interved to bless them with a child. Since then, their numbers have increased, and some have wandered back to Terranon. Giants tend to distrust the Firbolg, even though they’re giant-kin, because they distrust how their fey magic has changed their giant nature.   The Gnome race was created by Gorath on a whim after Gorath witnessed Rhemnys’s creation of the Dwarves. Curious about the process, it is said they created a giant pot and began to gather random bits and bobs from all over the material plane and beyond. They mixed everything together and boiled it over a bit of fire they had stolen from the plane of fire. The last ingredient they added was a bit of their own divine nature, chaos and curiosity. When it was ready they poured the mixture into two molds they had made of ancient wood and left them to set. Some stories say that Gorath then got distracted and they rose out of the molds on their own, exploring the world since. Other stories say they left them on purpose so that they would find their own strength and way. Whatever the truth Gorath tends to show up occasionally, sprinkling chaos in their lives before heading off again.   The Goliath race was created through a contract. According to legend, a stone giant and an earth genasi fell in love. They prayed to the gods and said they would offer anything in return for being blessed with a child. It was Barasios that responded and offered them a contract. It isn’t known what the terms of the contract stipulated, but the two were gifted with three children that began the Goliath race. In ages past, the Goliath were known to be friendly to the other races, and only went to war as a final option, preferring instead to move away from unsafe lands. They did not do this out of fear or cowardice, but were practical, knowing that there were few Goliaths. Today many Goliaths acted as negotiators and diplomats.   Halflings are one of the youngest of the races, but little is known about their origins, except that they were created by Steyfano. One legend says that Steyfano stole their history from the world and set a challenge to see if they one day could steal it back from him. Whatever the truth they have generally been friendly and open, getting along well with the other races in the world.   It is said that Akmon created the Human race because he wished for something to rule over. He gave them strength and magical power so they could be his army, but their most powerful ability is that they can adapt to any situation. Although other races have the ability to transform, or are known for their ingenuity, the ability to persevere in the face of danger and to succeed when all hope is lost is a banner trait of Humanity.  

Stoneborn Culture

The majority of Stoneborn tend to enjoy each other's company and create cross species communities. This is not true in all countries, but due to its history, Eisen tends to promote groups coming together.   The Dwarves originally created a strong tradition of hospitality and community that the other Stoneborn have embraced. As a result the Stoneborn are responsible for organizing a number of festivals and events throughout the year. Though not restricted to the Stoneborn, they tend to be a large portion of the volunteers for committees related to the planning and running of the events. How much time one can volunteer to help their community is often seen as an indicator of their social and financial status.   A key aspect of the Stoneborn culture in Eisen is their desire for improvement. Sitting on one's laurels is generally frowned upon, and instead most Stoneborn look to improve on what they and others have done. This has created competition between neighbors that have, at times, gotten out of hand. As a result, there are several city run competitions throughout the year.  


Historically, the Stoneborn of Eisen favor Rhemnys with their worship. However, today the worship of the gods is very diverse.  

Stoneborn in Eisen

The Dwarves are the oldest stoneborn race in Eisen, having originally ruled the area and whose society was the basis of the current country. This can be seen clearly in the architecture, customs, and holidays. Though today other races also sit in parliament, the dwarves are still a strong faction.   In Eisen, the Firbolg are the core of the country Forestry Services charged to protect and care for government owned lands used as parks or consevations sites. Though not all Firbolg are part of the Forestry Services, almost all Firborgs have a cousin among them. Due to this many of the other races look favorably on them for their race's commitment to public service.   Though well liked generally, Gnomes are sometimes social outcasts among Eisen conservatives because many Gnomish Houses split off to form Patlov. Conservative nobles believe that Patlov should never have been allowed to leave, but that is tempered by the progressives’ love of innovation, and many famous Gnomes in the last two centuries have enriched commoners' lives with their inventions.   The Goliath are not common in Eisen cities due to their size, and find most cities cramped. But they are well thought of. The head of the Eisen’s diplomatic corp is a Goliath named Aregia Flowerstriker Sparkgazer. She and her wife live on an estate just outside of Novandria with their 3 children.   There are few places where Halflings aren't welcome even if sometimes people get frustrated with them. Eisen is no exception. Halfings were one of the first races to be given citizenship in ancient days by the Dwarves, and they exist at every level of society.   Of the races in Eisen, Humans are one of the largest populations. Over time, many Dwarven customs have become Eisen customs, and Humans have easily adapted to that. In general, Humans get along with all the other members if Eisen is well and often fill in the cracks between different groups.  

Stoneborn in Other Countries

The Stoneborn of the Kingdom of Avalon are well accepted and strong supporting members of the country. They live with the same class restrictions that all Avalonians face.   Due to their Heritage, Halflings are most notable and accepted in Castille. However all Stoneborn are welcome in Castille.   The Free Republic of Montaigne is very welcoming of the Stoneborn. Though Montaigne Heritage is Elven, there is a large Stoneborn presence in the country.   With the recent independence of Patlov from Eisen, the Stoneborn have a large presence in the county. Gnomes are the largest part of the population.   Though many Stoneborn do live in Ruskovich, as a whole, the percentage of Stoneborn is lower than other countries due to the Ruskovich’s racial segregation. There are no large towns of Stoneborn in Ruskovich. There are a few small communities.   There are a number of Stoneborn in the Summerlands, some just trying to survive, others trying to catch the attention of the Vampire Lord and become created.   Two of the six Great Clans in Vesten are led by Stoneborn. A Goliath Sorcerer named Sialla Snowrunner, and a Human Ranger named Arborne Lotanz. Stoneborn exist in several clans and many of the country’s houses.   Several of the noble houses in Vodacce are Stoneborn, with their current King Midas Inod Montero being a halfling.  

Famous Stoneborn

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