Aska: Goddess of Light Character in Terras Venrohyun | World Anvil
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Aska: Goddess of Light

Goddess of Light, The Emprise of Light. Aska

The Goddess of Light, Aska, is one of the six divine Gods of the world who has command over light and radiant magic. She, along with the other God's and Goddess's, created the world of Terras Venrohyun, bringing Light into the darkness of the void. With her divine power, she also brought into the world law and order to help tame the chaos that existed there before. Aska is a very prominent figure in the Pantheon of the six, Sitting upon her golden thrown bringing Justice to those who have been wronged or to whom have committed crimes against her law.

Divine Domains

Aska commands the divine domain of light, and it is believed that most light or radiant based magic is channeled through her. While she shares other domains of divine powers with her fellow God's and Goddess's, Aska is often the Goddess said to be responsible; the rule of Law, Life, and Justice.

Holy Books & Codes

Aska's code is simple, but can often be misinterpret. This code is
Let there be Justice brought upon those who have wronged the world.
While this is the steadfast belief of many of her followers, many purest members will say that there is more to it then just condemn all criminals. In fact, They say that the Justice Aska seeks to bring to the world is neither that of good nor evil, but is simply stating that
If one has wrong the world to its very core, then it is the job of those who fallow the teaching of Aska to bring that one to justice.
All are equal in the eyes of the Empresses of Light, for it is she who ultimately determines the fate of those who appear in her court be they good, or evil in nature.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Aska is depicted on average in one of three ways, though her depiction is not limited to these ways alone. The first and most common way she is presented is by the Celestial Runic symbol of Light surrounded by a ring.
The second is the physical drawings of her in religious scriptures and historical documents, which is of a youthful girl wearing a light dress surrounded by a radiant glow of light, golden hair tied up in a loop behind her head, and golden eyes, but no other features to give her a recognizable face. The Third is of The Golden Thrown, most often used in the courts of law in civilization. This is the seat of power for which Aska govens her domain and renders judgment upon those who step foot into her court of justice.

Tenets of Faith

Let there be Justice brought upon those who have wronged the world.
This is the fundamental belief of the followers of Aska, though it is not the only one. Aska, while mostly connected to the belief of Justices to those who have wronged, is more than just a judge of the guilty. She is also a stalwart figure in maintain order within the land itself, as life must be balanced in order to remain stable. As such, the followers of Aska firmly believe in the destruction of Demons to be of utmost importance to maintaining the balance in the land. While they are few and far between, Paladins of Aska will seek out demons and demon posses creatures to purge them from the land before they upset the balance of nature. Likewise, while necromancy as a school of magic is not wrong or forbidden in its practice, wonted revival of the undead, or undead brought back to the land of the living through demonic means is also viewed as a crime against the world, and as such must be purged in order to maintain the balance.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Aska's goals are the bring Justice to those who have broken the sacred laws of the world for which she help create, and to purge those who seek to disrupt the balance. She is a giver of life and a condemner of demons. Though, like most things, not all laws are absolute in the eyes of true Justice.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Aska is depicted as a Youthful girl wearing a light dress. Her radiant glow surrounds her and is said to blind all who stand against her rule and will. Like most depiction of the Pantheon, she is not show with any definitive facial features aside from open or closed eyes which are said to glow with the vary radiant light of her godly power. Her hair is often shown as mid length or tied up but is also said to be golden.

Identifying Characteristics

The common iconography use by the followers of Aska depict leather the Youthful girl in a light dress, the golden throne for which she rules her domain, or the ancient Aashimar sigil of light.
Divine Classification
Goddes of light
A youthful Girl wearing a light dress.
Said to be Golden with a radiant glow.
Said to be golden like the radiant light she commands.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Said to be fair and pure.
Aligned Organization


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