The Panthion Organization in Terras Venrohyun | World Anvil
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The Panthion

In the world of Terras Venyohyun, the majority of the world fallows a 6 god pantheon, representative of the 6 divine beings that created the world. The Chorch of the Devin six has been around since the beginning of the world and is the fundamental belef in the land of Cestria. Outside of Cestria, this religion is less prodomanit in practice, but remains the main religion in the lands beyond.


This religion was formed in the years fallowing the Dawn Age by the Asimur and latter adopted by the Dragonkin. Over the many Thousands of years, the races of the world begin to adapt the believe that all the divine entity they worshiped fell under the overarching rule of one of the 6 Divine beings that created the world.

Mythology & Lore

In Terras Venrohyun, the majority of the world fallows the believe in the 6 divine beings who created the world in the Dawn Age. Each of the 6 represent one of the 6 elamental powers of the world. Aska, the goddess of Light, Sylphvarus, the God of wind, Efreethe, the Goddess of Fire, Undin, the God of Water, Gnomethoras, the God of Earth, and Eephoness, Goddess of Shadow.

Each of these gods governs their divine plane, and maintain a balance in the world. Many of the people pray to multiple Gods for this reason, such as farmers praying to both Undin and Gnomethoras to bring good harvest. Or to Sylphvarus and Eephoness for fair winds at sea. The main belief being that no one god is above the other, each act both independently and cooperatively in order to maintain a balance in the land.

The story goes; In the beginning of time there was only The Void, a world of nothing. Here dwells a being of malice and manginess, whose sole purpose was to consume all that came across its path. Then from the vast Astral Sea came Six Divine Beings who had grown curious of this realm and what lay within. The Six Divine Beings disliked the emptiness of The Void and set it upon themselves to fill it with a new world. Each of them brought something to the world with the powers they held; Earth, Wind, Water, Fire, Light, and Darkness. The Six Divine Beings then set forth to create life on the world thus creating The First Ones to fill its lands seas and sky. However the Creature of The Void disliked this world of substance and sought to wipe it out of existence and to return everything back to The Void. The Six Divine Beings fought back against the Creature, sundering the heavens in an endless battle that threatened to brake the planes of reality forever. The battle lasted for a millennia, however despite their divine powers, The Six Divine Beings could not destroy the Creature for it was a being beyond that of even the strongest of Gods. So, with no way to fell the Creature itself the Six came up with a plan to seal the Creature away forever. This however backfired on them and the Creature thus used their own power to seal off the Six Divine Beings and the world in which they created from the rest of The Astral Sea. With the realm sealed off from the rest of The Astral Sea the Six Divine beings then changed their plan from trying to seal away the Creature to preventing it from entering the world that they had created, for which they where successful in doing. It is said that to this day, The Six Gods of the world still fight against the Creature of The Void and protect the world from its wrath. However, with none of The First Ones remaining, it is impossible to know the truth of this.

Divine Origins

The Origin of the modern day faith of the Six Gods dates back nearly 5000 Years to old ruin structures that depict the Six gods in early monolithic re-leafs and other artwork of the ancient past. The original naming conventions of the six gods really dates back to 3063 at the beginning of what is known as The Era of Light in historical records. However the current modern day names of the Six Gods of the world only really started after the dark times of The Era of Shadow where much of the worlds History was lost to time for some reason beyond what historians can gleam from investigations.

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