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Hanako Kanamori

Sister of Hiro
Hanako is a fine young lady, however reluctantly. From her mother she inherited her amber colored skin, broad shoulders and height; from her father she inherited an aquiline nose and sleek, pronounced jaw. Far from the round-faced petite ideal of Hokkaidan beauty standards, Hanako was promised as a bride to the wealthy Kani family (of Port Minato fame) has been raised to be the ideal wife. In order to compensate for the way her looks might be percieved, she has dedicated herself to perfection in her manner of dress, presentation and speaking. She knows that while she may not be the petite, pale, submissive wife that a Hokkaidan noble would prefer, she owes it to her mother and father to appear as such as much as possible, to help her family’s position in the hierarchy of Hokkaidan nobility. She’s always disliked the amount of work that goes into having long hair. But she still practices her hundred strokes per-day brushing regiment, wearing her hair in the traditional Hokkaidan updo, held in place with a fine jade hairpin that her mother gave her as a present for her genpukku. She has trained in courtly skills, such as the Hokkaidan Tea Ceremony, a centerpiece of any meeting between Hokkaidan aristocracy, and even some religious ceremonies. When Hiro was a baby, she would perform this for him, but in a much more frenetic and engaging way than is usually done. Of her siblings, she likes Hiro the most, having really no time for Bokuto’s soldier-boy antics. She is courteous to her father and mother, the way that is expected of a child, but she doesn’t feel particularly close to either of them. Hanako has a very active imagination, dreaming of lives other than the one that has been prescribed to her. She has, as all Hokkaiden noble ladies do, practiced the arts of poetry and calligraphy. But she has gone one step further,and has even started taking to writing short pieces of mythic fiction or romance. Yukio doesn’t share her daughter’s love of the arts, but Noritaka certainly does. He always has recommendations for her, believing that he is helping her education in the fine arts- something very becoming of a Hokkaidan lady.
Date of Birth
15th of Boar
Year of Birth
395 MT 24 Years old


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