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Yukio Kanamori

Lady Yukio Kanamori- Inoji

Yukio is a tall, strong and graceful woman, whose voice has a warm, resonant sort of tone to it. She is capable of shouting across the entire parade grounds of Kokei-sho if necessary, though she rarely has reason to. Her hair is a dark, raven black, her eyes a reddish brown, and her skin tanned by the sun reflected off the ever-present snow in Inoji lands. Yukio was an Onna-bugeisha, a female samurai tasked with protecting the lands of her father Shisho, the Boar King. Not quite a barbarian tribe, but certainly not one of the imperial houses, the Inoji family was nevertheless instrumental in Hanzo’s victory and eventual rise to emperor. He promised them land and titles at the conclusion of the war, but they shocked the imperial courtiers by refusing. A proud and insular people, the Inoji family decided to remain in their mountainous home. However, to ensure that the Inoji would remain loyal to the emperor, Hanzo asked the Boar King to marry his daughter to a member of the Kanamori family. Kazumasa already had a wife (and several consorts,) and Yoritomo was seen as too effete to be worthy of the Inoji bloodline. So it was, after a ceremonial knife duel with Shisho that Noritaka became wedded to Yukio. Noritaka fathered his children with her, but doesn’t spend much time with her outside of their marriage. Yukio, for the most part, accepted her role as a wife and mother, though she could still be seen from time to time on the training grounds of Kokei-sho, demonstrating technique to the incoming recruits, and on occasion challenging her husband’s men to friendly duels. The Sons of Haku usually don’t fight with spears- Yukio’s preferred weapon- but when they do, there is a distinct pattern in their cuts and thrusts reminiscent of a wild boar thrashing its tusks against a foe.


Current Location
Date of Birth
5th of the Ox
Year of Birth
372 MT 47 Years old


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