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The Jade Fox

The premier bathhouse, hotel and restaurant in Port Minato, The Jade Fox is a building associated with fun, luxury, and relaxation.

Purpose / Function

The Jade Fox is Port Minato's premier bathhouse, hotel and restaurant. Originally, it was a simple tea house that was later acquired by Inari Kobashi, where she had a small cadre of women who had nowhere else to go. Patrons could go, have tea or sake and enjoy the company of these ladies in a hosting area, with additional rooms where patrons could enjoy a more intimate experience, at a higher rate. It eventually was developed into the high-class, lavish establishment it is today with the help of The Crab Clan's newly acquired wealth.

Contents & Furnishings

Inari enjoys Occidean goods as much as her native Hokkaidan fineries, and many western tea sets, furniture and bedding can be found in the lounge, dining hall and individual rooms at the Jade Fox. The most notable example of her cosmopolitan tastes is a magnificent Dal Rhaedan crystal chandelier hanging in the foyer.

Special Properties

There is a river running beneath the hotel, which provides fresh mineral water for the baths, and offers errant shinobi a clandestine way in and out of the hotel, and the city proper.


The building used to be just the tea house, where customers could go and enjoy the company of good-looking women for a nominal fee. At the conclusion of The War of 10 Shoguns, Inari had two more floors added on top for rooms, and a basement dug underneath for the bathhouse.


The Crab Clan had good relationships with the nearby Hare and faraway Boar clans, and so Inari was able to get some of the finest timbers and stone to build her pyramid, as it were. It has an impressive irimoya roof, with brightly colored teal-green tiles and red-stained timbers. There are also temple dogs and other fanciful creatures worked into the balustrades and gables of roofs. The wood and paper screens were ornately decorated by a reputable Heron artist- Haruhi Yasakuro- and feature beautiful scenes of mythological creatures and fanciful scenes from famous works of literature.


Though it is a rather lavish hotel and bathhouse, the building is not very defensible, and usually employed a small retinue of Crab samurai to police it from undesirables. It is currently guarded by a garrison of Laozi soldiers.


The building was a tea house for a very long time, before the War of 10 Shoguns, where Inari Kobashi first realized how easily humans were manipulated by a pretty face and husky voice. She started as a geisha there, and through her supernatural guile and talent came to buy the place from its original owner. She owned it for some time, but was unable to turn much of a profit, even with the help of her talented daughter Tsuki Kobashi. After the War of 10 Shoguns, when the Crab clan came to control Port Minato, her fortunes changed and she was able to upgrade the business into the institution of Port Minato it is today.


As one of the two premier mineral bath locations in Hokkai- and the one that most visitors are likely to see, given that the other location is nestled high in the Kanamori mountains- The Jade Fox sees hundreds of tourists and traders from Oresis and Occides alike every year.
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