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Bokuto Kanamori

Brother of Hanako Kanamori as well as Bokuto is the eldest boy of the Kanamori family, but the middle child overall. He is a little soldier, trying to emulate his father and uncle’s military careers. He was raised on the stories of the glory of the The War of 10 Shoguns from the men in his family, and is rather bored with the era of relative peace into which he was born.   He is somewhat rash and easily excitable, and wishes for nothing more than to participate in a glorious war, the kind his father raves about in The Sons of Haku barracks. He finds his sister’s artistic pursuits frivolous, and in truth barely knows how to read. Hiro's position in the family as a shugenja irks him to no end, and he relishes finding socially acceptable ways to make his little brother’s life more difficult, consistently pranking him and occasionally challenging him to training duels. Bokuto is daddy’s boy to the extreme, always tagging along with his father on patrol whenever possible, training with his older cousins, and just generally attempting to be the ideal soldier. He has a bit of a cruel streak, and if left to his own devices would probably harass and harangue the traders who come through Kokei-Sho unnecessarily.
Date of Birth
17th of Rat
Year of Birth
400 MT 19 Years old


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