Kingdom of Leone

The land now known as Leone has had a very bloody history since its first settlers came to this land. Once known as the No Mans Land Pre-Calamity it was the Legendary home of the Elysian Tians Kingdom that was mostly destroyed by the other Titans when they rebelled against the gods. Post-Calamity the area has been the Birthplace and inevitable place of death of many kingdoms. In the last 1000 years there has only been two kingdoms. The Runneanao EmpireĀ  was a land of greed and betrayal. The second the current Kingdom of Leone came about when the first king (a chosen of [Insert God]) allied with a ancient red dragon to kill the King of the previous Kingdom at then capital Dragon's Ire.

Demography and Population

The country of Leone is one of very few countries that allow any creature (that has the capacity to be civil) into the cities and be citizens.   Population
  • Total- 8 Million
  • Human 30% 2.4 Million
  • Halfling 10% 8 Hundred Thousand
  • Dwarf 5% 4 Hundred Thousand
  • Elf 5% 4 Hundred Thousand
  • Kobold 10% 8 Hundred Thousand
  • Goblin 10% 8 Hundred Thousand
  • Bugbear 5% 4 Hundred Thousand
  • Hobgoblin 5% 4 Hundred Thousand
  • Tiefling 3% 240 Thousand
  • Drow 1% 80 Thousand
  • Gnome 5% 4 Hundred Thousand
  • Giants 2% 160 Thousand
  • Gnoll 3% 240 Thousand
  • Genasi 2% 160 Thousand
  • Aasimar 2% 160 Thousand
  • Other 1% 80 Thousand
Average lifespan
  • Human 90 years
  • Halfling 200 Years
  • Dwarf 400 years
  • Elf 1500 Years
  • Kobold 120 Years
  • Goblin 60 Years
  • Bugbear 90 Years
  • Hobgoblin 90 Years
  • Tiefling 120 Years
  • Drow 1500 Years
  • Gnome 1000 Years
  • Giants 500 Years
  • Gnoll 40 Years
  • Genasi 120 Years
  • Aasimar 200 Years
Birth Rate
  • Human 50 per 1000
  • Halfling 10 per 1000
  • Dwarf 4 per 1000
  • Elf .7 per 1000
  • Kobold 20 per 1000
  • Goblin 20 per 1000
  • Bugbear 10 per 1000
  • HobgoblinĀ 10 per 1000
  • Tiefling 12 per 1000
  • Drow .1 per 1000
  • Gnome 1 per 1000
  • Giants 1 per 1000
  • Gnoll 20 per 1000
  • Genasi 12 per 1000
  • Aasimar 6 per 1000
Death Rate
  • Human 27 per 1000
  • Halfling 4 per 1000
  • Dwarf 1 per 1000
  • Elf .3 per 1000
  • Kobold 7 per 1000
  • Goblin 14 per 1000
  • Bugbear 5 per 1000
  • Hobgoblin 5 per 1000
  • Tiefling 7 per 1000
  • Drow .05 per 1000
  • Gnome .4 per 1000
  • Giants .3 per 1000
  • Gnoll 6 per 1000
  • Genasi 7 per 1000
  • Aasimar 4 per 1000


The country has a port in the thundering lands


The Military Consists of
  • Foot Soldiers
  • Horse Calvary
  • Griffon Calvary
  • SpellCasters
  • Ships
  • Airships


You are allowed to worship any non-evil god

Peace at any Cost.

Current Ruler:Reginald Dwendel Kingdom Nickname:Avatar Country(Which is from a legend started by enemies of the kingdom that every time a attack was made a avatar of Iomedae was there.
Succession is based off both Bloodline and Deeds.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
The Land of Avatars
Predecessor Organization
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Copper, Silver, Electrum, Gold, Platinum
Legislative Body
Once every Four Years the lords and nobles of the country come together to Change/Make rules. Unless there is a need for a Declaration of War only the lords come to this.
Judicial Body
The lords of each city judge the citizens. Village Elders deal with their own villages.
Executive Body
The guards of each city take care of their own policing. On the roads between and remote villages the nations army deals with policing.
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Organization Vehicles

Articles under Kingdom of Leone


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