Leone Port

This port is the second attempt at setting a port up for The Thundering Lands.


The bulk of the population is dock workers and there families.


The Port is sponsered by a leone noble, but ran by Dakota Redgrave.


The port is defended at the front of the cove by a large port chain along with two ballista up on the cliff. It is defended from the forest by 12 Archers that split into three shifts to cover round the clock.

Industry & Trade

The port gets a Large Cargo Airship coming in every two months to pick-up and deliver new supplies.

Guilds and Factions

The port is sponsered by a Leone Noble and his trading company.


The sponsor of the port sends the occasional(around every six months, usaually becuase the others are dead) group of adventurers to scout the island and try to find something profitable to be sold on the main land.


The buildings of the port were built from the ship that brought the people of the abandoned port here. They use the occasional delivery of lumber to repair from the storms that ravage the island during wet season.


The port sits on top of a 100ft(30.48m) cliff that is around a 660ft(201.168m) by 800ft(243.84m) cove.

Natural Resources

They don't currently have a way to process the massive jungle trees to lumber, though they have tried to order the equipment. There are five fields that they use to grow vegetables and grains for food during the dry season, becuase their usual crops do not fair well in the wet season. The Herbolist tries to harvest and grow plants from the island, for food and alchemy reasons, but has not gotten enough seeds to get a big enopugh harvest to be profitable.
Founding Date
3601 AC
Alternative Name(s)
Port to Hell
Outpost / Base
Location under
Owning Organization
Leone Port

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