Hall of Fallen Heroes

A large room, fifteen feet wide, and fifty-five feet long. From this side the Mirror Barrier is perfectly clear. There are alcoves along the wall on each side five feet from the entrance and five feet apart and filled with golden statues on small pedestals. The statues have pieces and chunks missing. Two doors at the end of the hall have handles indicating that one pulls to open them.

In truth, on being pulled the handles extend along the hall, nearly to the Mirror Barrier at the Entrance. At that point the trapdoor in front of the doors opens, dropping anyone on it into the room below. At the same time, if the statues have been not been subjected to violence, they walk out of the room through the Barrier which returns them to flesh and blood. If the statues have been attacked, they fight to the death before petrifying the one that killed them. In either case, the statues are gone from the pedestals which rise revealing lettering written on them. "Abandon Hope" is spelled out vertically on the posts the statues stood on, which rise every few seconds as the handles click backward into the door. As the handles click backward, the sounds of rushing water intensifies.

Room, Common, Hall
Parent Location
Connected Rooms


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