The Heroes Barrow

Stories transcibed from the one survivor of an old expedition say that the Entrance leads to the Hall of Fallen Heroes. According to legend it was named by the sole survivor of the last group to discover it. While legends tell of that place, they are not encouraging. Once entered, nothing can leave the Entrance without being rendered down to the base components...including people. The poor wretch waited outside the silvery, mirror-like barrier spell and watched as the man who hired him was shredded into a pile of meat and bones in a pool of blood just by exiting the barrier. What lies on the other side, no one knows.

The barrow is a deathtrap. Accessed through a tiny stone gap in the hillside of the mound built over it, it is a march to certain destruction. The entire space is just three large rooms long and sixty feet under the surface of the ground. Few have ever made it through the slanted third room to the massive doors at the end.

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