Skydown Plot

Skydown For What sets the Heroes up as Champions of Baron Trevalyon. He sees them as too inexperienced to help with the roars coming from the Mountains of Despair and so sets them out to settle the various conflicts in the Barony of Otrin that he can't handle right now, as he and his forces are preoccupied with the threat on the mountain. The Quests are:

  • Fires and attacks on peasants in the Velvet Plains
  • Kobolds out of the Ashen Hills raiding farms
  • Strange rituals and chanting in the Gardens of Tarn
  • Missing fishermen on Kurnan Lake.
  • Strange lights in Moonglow Marsh and Blackwing Swamp
  • Plot points/Scenes

  • Journey to Skydown
  • Heroes Feast
  • About Town
  • Ready Making
  • Leaving Skydown
  • Themes

    "Underdressed to Kill" or "Out of their League" are good ways to put it. Socially, they are below the nobility. In terms of Money, they have no money. As for Power, these "Heroes" are little bitches. They are outclassed by the Heroes at Skydown in nearly every way. And those Heroes are having trouble with whatever is on the Mountaintop.



    As the Heroes individually travel through Otrin, each are approached by a representative of the Baron, a Count in charge of the lands they were passing through, and told that they must stop what they are doing and travel to Skydown.


    The Counts in question each puts their affairs in order and escorts the Adventurer to Skydown, not telling them it is to respond to the Baron's call for Heroes to aid him in fighting the deadly beasts coming down the Mountains of Despair.

    Rising Action

    The Counts compete at getting their chosen Heroes to the Baron, each jockeying for power or prestige. It is quickly revealed that Skydown is filled with far more experienced heroes and that it's still having trouble. When they meet the Baron they are ignorant of why they are there and woefully poorly equipped - clearly the least of the "Champions" in that dining hall.


    Many other Heroes are there - better armed, better trained, with more experience - and the Baron applauds the Heroes but warns that what the Knights and other adventurers are facing may be a bit beyond them. However, he does have work for them, just not at Skydown. If they would travel to Fort Rodric, the Baron would have them investigate the violent raids coming out of the Ashen Hills. With the strangeness in the Mountains of Despair, Baron Trevalyan is short-handed. No offense intended to Asgeir.

    Falling Action

    The Heroes are given some coin and certain items can be acquired in preparation for the journey to Fort Rodric.


    The Heroes leave Skydown on their way to Fort Rodric.

    Completion Date
    Saturday, March 25th
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