Skydown For What?!

General Summary

As our adventurers explored ruins and fought monsters in the lands of Otrin, they came to the attention of the lords of the counties where their activities took place. Each was commanded to report to Skydown in the Count's name. Then, to ensure it was properly dealt with, each count, distrustful of "Heroes" as they were, decided to accompany the adventurers to Skydown.

Our dwarf hero Dain was escorted by Count Auron Fortunus, of Redbridge. An oddity given that the tall and thin man rarely left his lands. Count Fortunus, whose vast wealth came from trade relations along the river held for generations, was a stickler for propriety and proper, polite behavior.

Our farflung Singharan hero Kovu and the enchanter some call Tim were taken in by Count Emryl Beregose. Count Beregose was a short, fat, jovial host whose squinty eyes never missed a thing and whose quiet smiles and quick laughs belied a dangerously cunning mind.

Stealthy Asgeir and our darling Adelaide were escorted by the off-putting Count Uriens Eather, a stocky man of medium height whose strange laugh, piercing gaze and odd love of numerology were only slightly more strange than his fashion choices. All black velvet and silk capes, even in summer!

Despite their differences, the three counts were rivals, distantly related as they were. As such, the trip to Skydown quickly became a race as each count vied for primary position in their arrival. It did not end, even at the gates, as Count Beregose' and Count Eather's need for speed ended with a crash as both the Counts' carriages got stuck in the gateway as neither would yield.

Dain and Count Fortunus go around the side and enter the second, lesser, gatehouse to avoid the tangle. After introductions are made to the guards, both get led to the feasting hall where the count introduces Dain who panics and sits down on the bench on hearing that he would be expected to fight monsters! Dain had no clue as to what the Count signed him up for beforehand and is frank with Baron Trevalyan. The Count leaves, dismissed by the Baron.

Asgeir sneaks off to view the town within the walls. Adelaide slips out to walk around Skydown and enter through the side gate. After a little browsing, Asgeir gets escorted by guards to the feasthall. Meanwhile at the main gate, the wizard known as Tim does magic to resolve the carriage crash, with his carriage being first through the gate. Tim and Kovu and Adelaide all head inside with Count Eather while Count Beregose waits to be escorted in properly.

After getting to the feast, the Baron asks a blunt question - "Do you know why you are here?" and after getting various response proving their ignorance of the dire situation, the Baron dismisses the Count. Then he explains the threats from the mountain and the monsters they are facing in seemingly endless waves. Baron Trevalyan acknowledges their bravery but says that he will never send men to certain death. Instead he gives them a long list of problems that have cropped up while he focuses on the Mountains of Despair, asks them to handle those. They readily agree that they are not ready for what the Baron is facing and agree to help with these due lesser tasks. He gives them orders to report to Fort Rodric and lets them get ready to travel.

Asgeir sidles away as every speaks and banters, disappearing into the town. Spotting an unattended Alchemy shop, Asgeir decides on an unheroic means of earning some coin and sells the vendor's good while they are away, pocketing the money. Meanwhile, Adelaide uses her connections among the nobles present to call in assistance and get her new band of heroes mounts. As Dain, Kovu and Tim meander through the town around Skydown castle toward the bailey gates where Adelaide awaits, Asgeir slips in among them and the newly formed party of Heroes leave Skydown, riding into the fading light.

Rewards Granted

Group Awards

25 XP

Individual Awards

  • Asgeir +5 XP
  • Adelaide +5 XP
  • Dain +5 XP
  • Kovu +5 XP
  • Tim +5 XP
  • Report Date
    08 Apr 2023
    Primary Location
    Related Plots


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