The Final Showdown

General Summary


In 1845, the Abraxus Avozz attempts to resurrect the Dragonlord Margath the Unkind with the help and knowledge of the young dragon Dramillion. They kill the four Priests of Aris, and begin a series of measures to empower the remnants of runestones through sacrifice and destruction.

Heroes of Otrin Versus the Necromancer

The "Heroes of Otrin" have managed to get in the way over and over and this time is no different.

It begins with the enigmatic sorcerer some call Tim. Harnessing the arcane principles of the lost Verto Magica, the strange Mage has able to improvise the impossible over and over again. This time he figures out the principles of teleportation, using magical sources as anchors. He opens a gateway to the mountains, linking the gem in Tesselle's fist to the only other potent necromantic energies. He holds the portal for mere seconds, but the fact that he did it at all is a story-worthy tale.

The Heroes spring through the portal, focusing their attacks on the Necromancer Avozz. When Avozz falls into the Weeping Basin which has turned blood-red in the light of the moon, the Heroes turn their attacks on his allies. They work together, defeating Trogdor and Scauldron swiftly, causing them to retreat to save their lives.

As the dragonspawn take flight to flee, the Necromancer rises again from the Weeping Basin gaining lich-like power from the ritual that was supposed to bring back Margath. With the ritual ruined, the Wizard turned to a Lich-like thing, and the dragonspawn in flight, the Heroes do what they do. Between axes, arrows, and war crimes, the Necromancer Abraxus Avozz is eviscerated in short order.

Then, solely because the Sorceror is a carnage craving conjurer, Tim casts his signature Thunderstorm spell. Lightning rips through the Necromancer's skeletal horde and thunder blasts them apart while powerful winds buffet the few survivors around the field of battle. In the space of mere moments, the Heroes taught their enemies a new reason to call that place the Mountains of Despair.

But the fight isn't over. Tim, Dain and Asgeir know what Kovu forgot and Tesselle has never known...that Abraxus Avozz was working for someone or something else. The Boss, whoever that is, hasn't made an appearance yet...

Report Date
17 Nov 2023
Primary Location


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