
Born to two prominent Primalists, Asgeir seems not to have inherited their magical power but indeed was blessed with other gifts like the ability to speak with animals. The disapproval of his parents at his choice to not spend his life communing with nature led him to give up on ever studying magic at all. He left the wilds for the Free Cities and never looked back. He spent his youth stealing and scamming, using his unique ability to speak with animals to convince crows and cats to do the dirty work for him.

Eventually he made enemies, as one does in illicit professions, and fled the Free City of Tamalir. He met up with a lesser lordling and convinced the man to second him up as a Hero to his Baron to solve some issue "plaguing the Barony" and fell in with his current lot of misfits. Fortunately, he enjoys their company, their antics, and their tendency to leave valuables unguarded.

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Quick strike tier one talent

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