

Dain is a Dwarf who felt constrained by the Guilds and their rules on what he was allowed to study and learn. He dabbled in mechanical invention, alchemy, medicine, and more before being forced to narrow his field. Restrained by the disapproval of his elders, he left their mountain kingdom and made his way across the blasted heath to the Lands of Steel. Here he has studied every tome and scrap of parchment he can, learning more and more in every field he applies himself in, and creating wonders besides.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Before his adventuring career,because of my alchemical and medicinal expertise I worked at a hospistal curing pationts and working ESPECIALLY Hard on pationts that could or can die One pationt had died because of me ,he was having a slow painful death and I killed him ,put him out of his misery I regret it to this day and I will hurt myself to try to save the pationt And never give up on someone