Aegis Guild

When a strange creature attacks a village and the knight assigned to defend it s too old, or ill, or afraid, or just too busy, they will often hire a band of mercenaries to eliminate the problem. This is risky because, by their very nature, mercenaries are unreliable. When the knight needs a guarantee of completion, they hire and agent of the Aegis Guild.
The Aegis Guild slays the monsters others can't. In the Final Empire, they are given special dispensation to use magic, depending where the Agent uses it. In the Andals, they are not used as often, as the land is full of brash heroes attempting to prove themselves. The Alliance uses them extensively as they cannot be bothered with every rogue minotaur and mad banshee that plagues their villages. The Nomani use them almost as extensively.
Agents live nomadic existences, travelling from town to town slaying the dangerous creatures that lurk in the night. Though most welcome their services, they do not wish the agents to remain. It is widely believed Agents bring terrible luck if they stay in one place for too long. Many also believe that the Aegis is fake, and that they are con-men creating the problems that they show up to "solve."
They are given special training to fight a wide assortment of creatures and a depth of knowledge for understanding what they fight.


The Aegis Guild has 47 Guildhalls on the Mainland in various cities.
The Guildhalls maintain sleeping quarters, armory, a library and often a communications room to connect with other Guildhalls.
Each of these Guildhalls employs a Quartermaster, who supplies weapons and armor to agents; a Physician, to heal the agents; an Apothecary, to provide herbs and medicine; a manservant or maid, to take care of the Hall; a Blacksmith, to repair armor and weapons, a Harbor Master, to manage the sea trade shipments of the Hall, and a Loremaster, to oversee the acquired knowledge of the Hall; and finally, a Master of the Hall, who oversees the Hall. Very few Halls have all of these positions filled, often local merchants are used or the Master of the Hall fills in where they don't have a position.
Lastly, the headquarters of the Guildhall is located on the Unnamed Island, somewhere in the Nomani Islands.


The origins and history of the Aegis Guild are difficult to determine. As their stories are highly fabricated by bards and Agents are not educated on their own history. Loremasters keep records of past Aegis missions, but they are extremely evasive when it comes to their own history
Guildhall City Master
The Rabid Hall Farpoint Grelif Weller
The Underhall Gold Fort Taldan Gold
The Hex Warren Blackhaven
Hangman's Galley Gallowsgrey
Guild, Fighter / Mercenary


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