Final Empire

Demography and Population

The Final Empire supports a population of 5.4 million people. Officially, anyone born within the boundaries of the Empire is considered an Imperial. However, Nemisians hold the true power and are not likely to give it up. 
The Empire is overwhelmingly made up of humans, with half-elves, gnomes and halflings making up smaller percentages and all other races even smaller percentages. Racism is rampant across the Empire though it varies from kingdom to kingdom.
Elves, dwarves and goliaths are seen as traitors in the Crownlands and mystically exotic in Ervia. Orcs and half-orcs may be openly attacked in Ervia and eagerly hired as mercenaries in Tev. Dragonborn are seen as suspicious in most lands, except in Tev, where they are viewed as the enemy and are often put to death on sight. Aasamir and Tieflings are considered lucky in Tev, while they can curse an entire village in Cairn. Halflings and gnomes are slaves in Ilvin, but halflings are considered prestigious merchants in Cairn. And "monster races" are viewed as universally inferior.


The Final Empire encompasses the lands of the Ilvin Hills, the Ervian Stormlands, the Crownlands of the Final Empire, the Sands of Tev and the Cairn Confederacy. During periods of instability, the various kingdoms will break away from the Empire. The Imperial war machine keeps these kingdoms in line and several family members from royal families are sent to be "educated" at Dragon's Rest.


The Imperial Legionairres. The Imperial land forces are divided into Five Legions of approximately 30,000 legionnaires each. It is the single largest army in the world and has maintained the Empire's control for the last 200 years. Each legion is assigned to a kingdom and they act as law enforcement and protection, as well as a physical presence of the Emperor's power. Each lord can also summon their own fighting men.   The Imperial Navy consists of 87 vessels, including 15 dreadnought class ships. The Navy is divided into four fleets: The Sunrise Fleet protects Auriella Bay from Dragon Land pirates and incursions; the Thunder Fleet sails the Sea of Storms; the Cairn Fleet guards the Bay of Hope from the raiding Nomani and the Nemisian Fleet guards the Nemisian Sea and the Nemisian Harbor.   As well as the highly elite Imperial Guard, and The Select


The only recognized religion of the Empire is The Eight-Pointed Star. Many lords are priests and bishops

Agriculture & Industry

Much of the food in the Empire comes from Cairn, the Golden Fields of Ilvin and the Western fields of the Crownlands.


Nobles are educated by Maesters until adulthood, at which point, they may choose to continue their education. The middle classes can pay for further education, and it is rare for the lower classes to learn more than a trade and basic reading, writing and mathematics. History is told through bardic tales in tavern, and myth is often woven in with fact.
Founding Date
0 E.Y.
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Empire
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
The Imperial coinage is stamped with the Emperor's face and a varied symbol on the back, though all metals are accepted via weight. The economy works off of the gold system.
Formal Name Informal Name Coin
Imperious Crown 10 pp
Octani High Star 1 pp
Solari Standard 1 gp
Archon Halfsol 1 ep
Volani Tenpenny 1 sp
Centira Green Penny 1 cp
Major Exports
Crownlands - Lead, wool, tin, wine, olive oil, pottery and papyrus.
Ervia - Iron, wine, textiles, beef, ceramics, lumber
Ilvin - Metal Ore, diamonds, lumber, precious stones, cattle, grain, vegetables
Cairn - Wheat, beef, pork, textiles, fruit, wine, oil, grain
Tev - Spices, salt, silk, ink, perfume, pearls, fish, dyes.
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Neighboring Nations


The Final Empire lacks the resources to invade the Alliance, and its Navy cannot cross the Rocky Sea. The Alliance, however, seems focused on other issues, and has declared the Rocky Sea to be "beyond the Dragon's reach" and that they will not be intimidated or threatened.


Members of the Order of the Storm are wanted criminals in the Final Empire.

Cold War

Natural geography is all that prevents the two nations from coming to an all-out war.

Open War


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