
Andalasia is one of the constituent regions of Terusha and was a sovereign nation ruled by the Final Empire before the Andalasia Succession. The dominion of House York extends from the border of the Crannog, to the edge of the Border River, to Ereshall.
  Andalasia has been ruled by the Yorks for thousands of years from the castle known as Winter's Rest. Bastards of noble origin raised in the north are given the surname Snow.
  Most Andalasians are descended from the Forsaken Men, although there have been centuries of intermarriage with the natives who resided in the area before the Break. Andalasians such as the Umbers are often large in stature and have thick beards, long hair, and heavy cloaks of wool or fur. Andalasians are sometimes referred to as "wolves" by Nomani and Imperials.
The constant cold and the iron grip of winter set apart the Andalasians from the people of the kingdoms south of the Crannog. The Andal terrain and climate do not easily yield the necessities of daily life, with the exception of the Harvest Fields. Andalasians place less of an emphasis on courtly ritual and culture, and instead prefer hunting and brawling. Their tourneys are often melees and rarely feature jousting. Guest right is treasured in Andalasia, as is common in harsh lands. Andalasians have long memories, and a lord who does not seek his rightful vengeance threatens to have his own men turn on him.
  Some Andalasians live in remote, distant areas where they act as little more than clans and tribes. These remote folk, such as the crannogmen, the northern mountain clans, and those of the Andal Expanse, are still vassals of the Yorks, however, and are allowed to maintain their own ways and traditions as long as they remain loyal to Winter's Rest.
  The Great Houses of Andalasia are House York, House Glover, House Umber, House Reed, House Manderly and House Flint.
Lesser Houses include House Locke, House Hornwood, House Darry, House Tallhart, House Crowl, House Yule, House Blackwulf, House Hunter, House Frost, House Ryger, House Bogg, House Marsh, House Titus, House Moss, House Mormont, House Knott., House Fisher, and House Harclay


As the Andalasia is largely uncultivated, very little trade is conducted outside of the Protectorate. Trade items include wool, hides, Lead, wool, tin, wine, olive oil, pottery and papyrus. Steelsaw contains silversmiths, metalsmiths, jewelers, armorsmiths and weaponsmiths.


In 1984, the Ilvin Hills were being constantly raided by giants from the mysterious North. Once the economy of the Final Empire began being impacted, the Emperor sent two Legions to assault the giants in their home. Led by Legate Brandon York and Legate Alexandra Batson, the Legions began a slow war into the Andalasia. Thirty years later, the final Battle of Frost occurred with the Yorks as the victors.
It was at this point the aged York and Batson were to report back to Dragon's Rest, however, after thirty years away from the Empire and a new independence found, a new home had been discovered. Batson, a loyalist, fought against York's rebellion and dubbed them the Forsaken People. Ultimately, Batson and her lieutenant Benjen Wellys were killed in single combat by Wren Glover and Big Jon Umber.

Demography and Population

The Andalasia Protectorate is largely human, with sizable communities of halfings and gnomes. Dwarves are more common in the North and Western regions, and least common in the eastern regions. Whereas elves are most common along the eastern coast. Goliaths tend to populate the Andal Expanse and southern regions.


Andalasians are a warrior people descended from warriors. They can field over 50,000 men and a sizeable navy.


Most of the Andalasian people still follow the "Old Gods," and have little inclination for The Eight. There are a few houses who follow the Eight, including House Manderly, House Yule , and House Bogg. Due to its religious aspect, Imperials do not recognize Andalsasian Knights as knights. In truth, most Andalasians refuse to take holy orders, although some northern cavalry are knights who still follow the old gods instead of the Eight. Most prominently worshipped are The Burning Lord, The Far Wanderer, The Stormlord, The Moondancer, The Lady of the Waves and The Granite God.
The Stormlord is by far the most prominently worshipped. As the God of Strength

Foreign Relations

The Protectorate and the Alliance share friendly trade and share a mutual enemy from the Empire. The Nomani consistently raid the western coast. Though the Protectorate has a small navy, they have consistently been beaten back by Nomani pirates.


Most Andals in cities are educated, while those in the country are largely illiterate.
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The Andals, the Protectorate
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Name Nickname Coin
Crown Crown 1 pp
Shiedi Shield 1 gp
Passdi Scepter 1 ep
Naldi Sword 1 sp
Ducat Penny 1 cp
Major Exports
Wool, hides, Lead, wool, tin, wine, olive oil, pottery and papyrus. Steelsaw contains silversmiths, metalsmiths, jewelers, armorsmiths and weaponsmiths.
Judicial Body
In larger cities magistrates are utilized, however, most justice is distributed by Accusers.


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