Bond Smiths

Standing above all of the Dwarven Heroes of old, is the All Hammer. His church, the Bond Smiths, are closely tied with the craftsmen of the dwarven citadels and has provided peace and protection since their founding.
The church of The All Hammer has an active role in guiding the morals of dwarven communities. They emphasize the Soul Forger’s hand in everyday dwarven activities such as mining, smithing, and engineering, and invoke his blessings when these tasks are begun. They lead the push to found new dwarven kingdoms and increase the status of dwarven in surface communities. They take an active role in teaching the young of the communities and oversee most formal ceremonies.
Clerics of The All Hammer, pray in the morning. Offerings are made to the Soul Forger on a monthly basis. The ranking cleric of a community can declare any day a holy day to celebrate a local event.

Divine Origins

As the First Dwarves of Erezor, the Hearthstone turned their backs on the Empire and sought out their own destinies, they found themselves led by a black bearded dwarf wielding a mythical axe. However, shortly after establishing their Golden Mountain, the dwarf disappeared, leaving his Axe for the King in Gold.
When the Silver dwarves set out, they found a black bearded guide was willing to take them to Erevryn, the Dragon Tooth. Then left the Silver king a new weapon when they arrived. The same was true with the dwarves for Ereshall, the Last Bastion and the Tevmor, the Copper Hills.
The dwarves soon realized this dwarf could have only been a guardian that was guiding them to their new homes, not knowing his name, they named him the All-Hammer.

Tenets of Faith

The Bond Smiths focus on perfection of creation. It is said, “As you shape your craft, you shape yourself.” The church also emphasizes devotion to the citadel, to family and the dwarven community.
Dwarves are also expected to protect those weaker than they, provide guidance when asked and to conduct themselves with honor and nobility, which makes them natural allies of the Platinum Church.
  • Honor the All Hammer by emulating his principles and workmanship in smithing, stone working, and other tasks. 
  • Wisdom is derived from life and tempered with experience. 
  • Advance the dwarven race in all areas of life. 
  • Innovate with new processes and skills. 
  • Found new kingdoms and clan lands, defending the existing ones from all threats. 
  • Lead the dwarves in the traditions laid down by the Soul Forger. 
  • Honor your clan leaders as you honor the All Hammer


Members of the church must create one item each year, and a masterwork item every ten years. This is intended to show that each member of the clergy is continuously improving, while simultaneously providing the citadel with even more crafts. The most powerful items are created by church elders that have a unique link to its owner.

Granted Divine Powers

Clerics of the Irresistible Anvil may take the War or Forge domains.

True to the Core

Associated Fighting Order:
Defenders of Stone
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
God Smiths
Permeated Organizations
Common Sayings:
  • True to the Core
  • We Protect Each Other
  • As you Shape your Craft, you Shape Yourself.
Colors: Blue and Gold


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