The All Hammer

As the First Dwarves of Erezor turned their backs on the Empire and sought out their own destinies, they found themselves led by a black bearded dwarf wielding a mythical axe. However, shortly after establishing their Golden Mountain, the dwarf disappeared, leaving his Axe for the King in Gold.
When the Silver dwarves set out, they found a black bearded guide was willing to take them to Erevryn. Then left the Silver king a new weapon when they arrived. The same was true with the dwarves for Ereshall and the Copper Hills.
The dwarves soon realized this dwarf could have only been a guardian that was guiding them to their new homes, not knowing his name, they named him the All-Hammer.
The All Hammer is a stern paternal deity, gruff and uncompromising, and hard as stone when it comes to protecting his chosen race. A harsh but fair judge, he is strength and force of will embodied. He inspires dwarven inventions and constantly seeks to improve that race, encouraging their good nature, intelligence, and harmonious existence with other good races while battling their pride and isolationist tendencies. His warhammer is a weapon and a tool, called Soulhammer.

Divine Domains

The All Hammer is the Patron God of Dwarves, Crafting, and Protection.

Holy Books & Codes

The Compact of the Stonemen is said to have been written by the All Hammer, and is His words to the Dwarves.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Hammer symbols and Anvil symbols are common. Adamantine, Mithril, Cold Iron, Nemisian Steel and Sentinel Stone  are considered holy metals. @STARSis considered a gift from the All Hammer.

Tenets of Faith

The All Hammer focuses on perfection of creation. It is said, “As you shape your craft, you shape yourself.” The All Hammer emphasizes devotion to the citadel, to family and the dwarven community.
Dwarves are also expected to protect those weaker than they, provide guidance when asked and to conduct themselves with honor and nobility, which makes them natural allies of the Platinum Church
The dwarves are forbidden from waging war upon each other and may not invade other countries. However, they may defend themselves.
Divine Classification


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