
Deep in the heart of the Flames lies unknown or forbidden secrets. Many members of the Order of the Bright Sky began coming across a presence. This presence eventually appeared as burning angel. This angel began directing followers to avoid their sinful ways. Eventually this led to a civil war in Erynaella.
  The Brightlord is rarely depicted as anything by his followers, though if he is, he is pictured as a gorgeous angel wreathed in flames. The Order of the Bright Sky , shows the Brightlord as a shrouded, sharp-toothed grinning demon.

Divine Domains

The Brightlord is God of Order, War and Fire.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Fire symbols are common in association with the Brightlord.

Tenets of Faith

The Light claims the Brightlord is a different aspect of The Great Flame
The Brightlord teaches that the world must be converted through pain and purging. This belief has led many to believe that since their dogmas are so different, the Brightlord and the Great Flame cannot be the same entity.
The Brightlord teaches that his followers are The Light in the Darkness and the Brightlord is the Light and the Way to salvation. The Brightlord loves all and those who do not love The Brightlord must be burned from the world. They are the All-Consuming Fire That Will Burn the World of Sin.
Devotion and obedience are key above all else: unquestioning, blind obedience. This ensures that the members are pure and worthy of His love.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The deity known as the Light, is actually a demon that has become very powerful. He is looking to grow his influence enough to be summoned to the material plane.
Divine Classification

This article has no secrets.


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