Dragon Queejn

The Dark Queen is the five-headed queen of the evil chromatic dragons. She has one head for each customary color of chromatic dragon (black, blue, green, red, white), and each head has the powers of a member of the respective race of dragonkind. Her body is a blending of various chromatic dragon forms with an appropriately multicolored hide. Her body also has traits in common with a wyvern, including a long tail tipped with a poisionous stinger.

  She has been known to manifest as a dark-haired human sorceress.

  She also battles the Platinum Knight . The All Hammer and the Stormlord consider themselves her enemies. The Dark Queen claims not to need allies, although she has many pacts with Bel and with lawful evil deities such as The Annointed.

  Yuan-Ti, Lizardmen, Dragonborn, and other reptile-people commonly worship the Dark Queen.

Divine Domains

Arcana and War

Tenets of Faith

The Dark Queen is a greedy, vain, and arrogant goddess who embodies all the strengths of evil dragonkind, and few of their weaknesses. She is most concerned with spreading evil, defeating good, and propagating chromatic dragons. She never forgives a slight. Although she is not averse to razing the occasional village, her true schemes are subtle and hard to detect. From the shadows she moves her puppets' strings. The Queen of Evil Dragons demands reverence, homage, supplication, and tribute from her subjects. Few humans or other humanoids worship Dark Queen, but her children, the chromatic dragons, all acknowledge her sovereignty. Blue and green dragons obey her most readily. Naturally, the grotesque reptilian creatures known as the spawn of the Dark Queen worship her as their mother. Kobolds may also revere her as their progenitor. Clergy Although she claims dominance over all evil dragons (and despite her misleading title, Queen of Chaos), Dark Queen's priests, who are known as Wyrmlairds or Wyrmkeepers, are either neutral evil or lawful evil. Tiamat's church has a rigid hierarchy, beginning with the lowly
Custodians of the Copper Chalice and continuing with, in ascending rank,
the Defenders of the Silver Shield,
Wardens of the Electrum Mail,
Guardians of the Gold Scepter,
Keepers of the Platinum Crown,
Scales of the White Wyrm,
Horns of the Black Beast,
Wings of the Green Gargantua,
Talons of the Blue Baatoran,
Breaths of the Red Ravager, and the Dark Scaly Ones leading them all.   Priests of the Dark Queen are preoccupied with gathering treasure and undermining other faiths.   The ceremony garb of a humanoid priest of the Dark Queen is a form-fitting suit of scales. Dragons or those whose scales naturally cover their bodies don't require this, of course. Adventuring garb typically includes scale mail.   Temples Temples to the Queen are often built within the lairs of long-dead dragons. They are filled with piles of wealth to be sacrificed to the Chromatic Dragon, as well as traps to keep out heretics and the unfaithful. Few dragons keep shrines to her in their own lairs, because they don't wish the goddess to know exactly how much treasure they have, for fear she will demand a greater cut of it.
Divine Classification


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