Fellows of the Deep

The Fellows of the Deep use the matron of Abyssae, the Powerful, oldest and most dangerous of the Daughters. The Fellows believe the sea and the ships that sail upon her are the expression of freedom and community.


Though most sailors pay homage to the Lord of Waves, most sailors are not members of the Fellows of the Deep. Upon becoming a member of the Fellows, the rank of Waveling is bestowed. There can be many Wavelings per ship. Upon advancing, the Waveling becomes a Salt Priest. Salt Priests are desired as carpenters, quartermasters and cooks as their magic makes it much easier to conduct these tasks. When the member becomes a Drowned Man, he is submerged in water until dead, then given the Kiss of Life by another Drowned Man; should the Lord of Waves allow it the member returns having had their lungs filled with the Lord’s blessing. Most never progress past the rank of Sea Witch, these terrifying creatures are bound to the ship and are typically captains of their own ship. The Seasplitter is the equivalent of an admiral, he is a voice of the Lord of the Waves and the greatest of the Fellows.

Divine Origins

Shortly after the Nomani settled the Archipelago, they began worshipping a creature they named Lord of the Waves. They believed the spirit of each of his sons inhabited an island in the Archipelago. They believed the Lord had protected them on their journey, and would continue to protect them.
In the Dream Fields, creatures known as the Deep Ones would boil out of the sea and raid Gnoll settlements and Zan forts. These hated creatures tried to destroy any port or fishing vessel in the Rocky Sea. Those in the Sea began praying to someone, anyone, to help and they were answered by a creature claiming to be God of the Oceans.
Across Terusha’s rivers, those using the river as trade routes, began seeing an old man in the rushing waters keeping them moving and away from predators. Various lakes of Terusha, began seeing a strong man standing on the shore near the best fishing pools.
As travelers spread across the land, they began to realize that this same entity had appeared across the world. Various churches and sects were merged into three distinct churches – each one dedicated to one of the Lord of Waves’ three daughters.

Tenets of Faith

FREEDOM - Out at sea there are no boundaries, no laws, nothing to stop you from reaching the horizon but the distance between you. However, no self-respectable ship can sail by herself, she needs a crew, and you must trust your crew.
COMMUNITY - Stay loyal to one's crew, they are closer than family.

Granted Divine Powers

The Fellows of the Depp have access to the Water domain and access to the Ship Bond ritual.

What a Ship is... is Freedom.

Associated Fighting Order:
Order of the Trident
Religious, Organised Religion
Common Sayings:
  • What a ship is... is freedom.
  • Death to the Deep Ones
  • What a Rush
  • Any Port in a Storm
  • Few Know What Lies Below
  • Water is Life
Colors: Blue and Black


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