Order of the Trident

A common sight on the high seas is a priest of the Lord of Waves and their bodyguard. The bodyguard is a feared warrior and a welcomed addition to the crew should the ship come under trouble. There are fewer warriors with equal skill on the waters and their mere presence has chased off many privateers. As with all things on the waters, they are surrounded by many myths and superstitions. These warriors are occasionally dispatched by the Deepline Seekers or the White Water Crew to assault holds of the Deep Ones.
They are highly skilled and seem to use the unstable footing of the waters to their advantage. It is rumored that to kill one of the Tridents is to ensure your own death.
Those who join the Trident in the Nomani islands forsake their homeland so they may be impartial, and serve only the sea and those who travel upon it.
Occasionally, the Trident will hire themselves out as a mercenaries to rich clients or for good causes..


Initiates - called Sailors - advance based on years of serve and missions undertaken. There are three Grandmasters of the Trident, each command one of the ships of the Lord of Waves.
 Any ship may have anywhere from one to twenty Tridents protecting it.  
Title Years Honorific Insignia
Grandmaster 40 Admiral A Ship
Master 25 Master Armor Fins
Warden 20 Warden Coral Armor
Corsair 10 Lord Darksteel Trident
Sailor -- Trident Tattoo


The ships of the Grandmasters, the Abyssae, the Vesra and the Ivalla, are the only real property the Trident as an Order owns. To serve aboard these vessels is considered the highest of honors. The Ivalla is the fourth of it's name, as the others have been sunk.

Divine Origins

The Order of the Trident started as bodyguards for the Fellows of the Deep, to protect them from vicious crews and vile seas. Over time, the Order grew to protect all members of the clergy of the Lord of Waves. They grew to serve as the strong right hand of the churches and eventually began to determine their own fates.


There are only three sects of the Order of the Trident, the Seas, the Rivers and the Lakes. Though the Seas hold the most political power in the Order.

Clear the Deck

Alternative Names
the Trident, Water Warriors
Training Level


The Trident is often used as elite troops in their secret war.


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