Lady of Waves - Redo

Shortly after the Nomani settled the Archipelago, they began worshipping a creature they named Lord of the Waves. They believed the spirit of each of his sons inhabited an island in the Archipelago. They believed the Lord had protected them on their journey, and would continue to protect them.
  In the Dream Fields, creatures known as the Deep Ones would boil out of the sea and raid Gnoll settlements and Zan forts. These hated creatures tried to destroy any port or fishing vessel in the Rocky Sea. Those in the Sea began praying to someone, anyone, to help and they were answered by a creature claiming to be God of the Oceans.
  Across Terusha’s rivers, those using the river as trade routes, began seeing an old man in the rushing waters keeping them moving and away from predators. Various lakes of Terusha, began seeing a strong man standing on the shore near the best fishing pools.
  As travelers spread across the land, they began to realize that this same entity had appeared across the world. Various churches and sects were merged into three distinct churches – each one dedicated to one of the Lord of Waves’ three daughters.
  Officially the Church of Waves is banned in the Empire, though every sea/river/lake side town has at least heard of the Lord of Waves.
  The Lord of Waves is depicted as a bearded man with intricate tattoos over his right arm and some sort of aquatic themed armor, and typically with his trident, Maritus.

Divine Domains

The Lord of Waves is the God of the Seas, Rivers and Lakes.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Common wave symbols, ships and the Trident are common symbols of the Lord of Waves.

Tenets of Faith

Across every sect, the Lord of Waves values freedom and community.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The Lord of the Waves seeks to end the Old Ones and purge them from the Depths.
Divine Classification


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