
The greatest warriors of Erezor. A justicar is a dwarf who has forsworn family, titles, honors, and given up all worldly possessions aside from weapons, armor, and whatever they can personally carry. After swearing themselves to the Code of the Justicars, they wander Terusha righting wrongs, as defined by their unwavering code of justice. There are very few asari justicars due to the high mortality rates in training, and the fact that the life of a justicar is seldom easy.
  The Justicar Code is the central force in every justicar's life. The Code is composed of more than five thousand sutras that describe every possible situation a justicar may encounter. Every justicar is required to know the entire Code by heart. Justicars explain that living by the Code makes choices simple: "if I follow the Code, I am just. If I do not, I am unjust." In compliance with the Justicar Code, there are no morally grey actions: every deed done falls clearly into right or wrong categories. Thus a justicar will defend a village of just farmers to her dying breath if they are being attacked by bandits, but she will kill every person in that village if they are found to be running a smuggling cartel. Therefore, due to the harsh nature of the Code, curiosity is a liability for a justicar: if she is required to kill a murderer, she does not wish to know anything that could potentially redeem him in her eyes.
Justicars swear oaths called the Oaths of Subsumation. These pledge protection of the innocent, the punishment of the guilty, and defense of common law and the norms of dwarven society. This means justicars will never overthrow an existing government, and will instead preserve the existing laws of the dwarves without the risk of staging a coup should the government be judged unjust.
  A specific oath, the Third Oath of Subsumation, binds absolute loyalty to the target of the pledge. This overrides the dictates of even the Justicar Code; upon release from the oath justicars may kill the ones they previously swore allegiance to if they were forced to do extremely dishonorable things.
    It is unknown whether the Code has prescriptions for ritual suicide, should a Justicar be unable to fulfill her duties. Justicars can opt to leave the order, though no outsiders know what could warrant such an act.


Given their personal sacrifices, skill and rigid adherence to their Code, justicars are highly revered in dwarven culture, and there are many stories of their adventures, although much of it is exaggerated.

Political Influence & Intrigue

While they often find a justicar's presence unnerving, law enforcement in Tevmor, the Copper Hills, Andalasia and The Alliance usually let a justicar perform her duties out of respect. However, should the local magistrates feel the justicar is being unreasonable, the Code allows the justicar to go into their custody for a single day. After that day the justicar is bound by the Code to continue her duties, which may lead to violence between the justicar and her captors. This has led to many confrontations between justicars and Accusers.

Military Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level


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