Low Court

The first Slave Rebellion in Ilvin claimed they were inspired by a being called the Defiant. The Empire labeled the Defiant as a demon or fey lord, but in truth the Defiant is a deity born of necessity. What the Empire doesn’t realize, is that the clergy of the Low Court are leading the “insurgency.” The Low Court takes its name from the idea that halflings will never find justice in the Empire and they are the lowest of the low.


The Low Court operates in cells, so that none know who other members are. There are only three ranks in the Court: Rebels which are members of the cell; Insurgents which lead a cell; and Lightweavers, master illusionists and leaders of the rebellion. Only the Lightweavers communicate with the Insurgents, however, insurgents don’t know the identity of the Lightweavers.
Title Honorific
Lightweaver Radiant
Insurgent Sir
Rebel Reb

Divine Origins

In the early days of the Empire, a vast majority of the gnomes and halfings had a growing desire to explore the new lands, however, once they crossed the glittering river, they found a place they could call home. With rich deposits and fertile fields, they had everything they could have wanted in the Ilvin Hills. The Gnomes took to the hills, while the halflings took the fields. Much of the history of the Halflings is lost to time, neglect, and genocide. There was once a halfling god called the Guardian that was worshipped by most. However, with the Empire taking over the Guardian was all but abandoned as she clearly couldn’t be trusted.

Tenets of Faith

First and foremost among the Court, is freedom, though none have ever experienced it. They want the Empire out of Ilvin. They utilize guerilla tactics and have, unfortunately been unsuccessful. The Low Court believes in liberty and equality. All halflings have an attachment to the land and a farmers life is the dream most know they will die trying to achieve.


The Low Court must remain secret. One of the only ways to identify a member of the Court is that members will use the phrase “I Solemnly Swear” when lying to or identifying each other.

Granted Divine Powers

The clerics of the Low Court have access to the Trickery and Nature domains.

I Solemnly Swear...

Associated Fighting Order:
Order of the Knights of the Hearth
Secret, Religious sect
Common Sayings:
  • I Solemnly Swear...
  • A Fly in the Ointment. A Monkey in the Wrench. A Pain in the Ass.
Colors: Brown and Gold, if any.


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