The Defiant

In the early days of the Empire, a vast majority of the gnomes and halfings had a growing desire to explore the new lands, however, once they crossed the glittering river, they found a place they could call home. With rich deposits and fertile fields, they had everything they could have wanted in the Ilvin Hills.
The Gnomes took to the hills, while the halflings took the fields. Much of the history of the Halflings is lost to time, neglect, and genocide. There was once a halfling god called the Guardian that was worshipped by most. However, with the Empire taking over the Guardian was all but abandoned as she clearly couldn’t be trusted.
The first Slave Rebellion in Ilvin claimed they were inspired by a being called the Defiant. The Empire labeled the Defiant as a demon or fey lord, but in truth the Defiant is a deity born of necessity. Some claim that the Defiant was the first rebel leader, others that he's a creation of a desperate people struggling to find hope and others claim that the Defiant is a demon lord that has corrupted an otherwise docile people.
The Defiant is a deity without gender, for revealing their gender would reveal information to their enemies.

Divine Domains

God of Halflings, Freedom and Nature. They grant the domains of Trickery and Nature to their clerics.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

There are no symbols associated with the Defiant.

Tenets of Faith

The Defiant teaches reverence for the natural world, freedom for all intelligent beings and to overthrow any and all oppressors.


The first day of Autumn is consided a holy and sacred day signifying the end of the Harvest and the beginning of planning and reflection for the freedom of the halfling people.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The Defiant wishes for nothing less than the total and complete freedom of the halflings of the Ilvin Hills and full and complete justice for the cruelties inflicted upon them.
Divine Classification


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