Order of the Knights of the Hearth

When the Ilvin Hills were still under control of the halflings, they employed their own version of the human paladins - a quick, agile fighter and master of thrown weapons - to defend their homes. This order was known as the Order of the Knights of the Hearth, they were devoted the halfling god known as the Protector. The Knights were the first to meet the legionnaires of the Final Empire. They were slaughtered.
In the subsequent years of enslavement, the need for protectors grew more and more. Then in the city of Mane, a freed halfling, Juniper Street, refused to stop and wait for humans to walk by, as was law for slaves. An argument broke out and a human mob formed and began to lynch Street. A man lifted Street's kicking form to drag her to the noose when a dagger appeared in the eye of the man, he dropped Street as he died. As the crowd processed what happened, Street grabbed the dagger and fought her way free of the crowd, killing three more in her escape.
In the ensuing days, a city-wide manhunt was issued for Street. While she was hiding, she thought of the injustice and unfairness of her lot in life. In her despair, the other halflings of the of the city came to her aid. They provided hiding places, food and travel when they could. She managed to get to Nine Dams in the Ervian Stormlands and pursued training. She found other escaped halflings and reformed the Order of the Knights of the Hearth and began the Grand Rebellion.
Since their founding, the Knights have protected the halflings as best they could. They are believed to be the leaders of the Rebellion, though they are simply the muscle or particularly skilled agents.


Hearth Knights operate as units. Each Unit has a full Knight, a squire and three-five specialists. Only knights know other knights, and all are instructed to kill the knight should the situation be impossible. Knights are notable by the fluer de lis on their arm. 
Rank Notes
Knight Leader of the Unit
Squire Knight in training
Specialist Mages, thieves, tinkerer, etc.
Civilian, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
Hearth Knights
Training Level
Veterancy Level


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