Sisters of Sweet Mercy

Sweet Mercy is a convent dedicated to the worship of the Eight. Within its walls, young girls are raised to killers, honing their skills to deadly effect. It is one of six monasteries of the devoted to such a cause, along with Silent Patience (Ervian Stormlands), Chaste Devotion (Sands of Tev), Gerran’s Crag (Ilvin Hills) and two others. However, only Sweet Mercy trains Red Sisters, Grey Sisters and Holy Witches, with the others only training Holy Sisters.   Red Sister = Fighters Grey Sister = Rogue/Assassins Holy Witches = Clerics Mystic Sister = Warlocks


The overall head of the convent of Sweet Mercy is the Abbess with the current one being Abbess Glass.  Beneath the Abbess are two Sister Superiors, who administer the convent when the Abbess is absent; the current being Sister Rose and Sister Wheel. The pair wear a distinctive headdress that distinguish them from the other nuns. On contentious matters, the Sister Superiors can in theory overrule the Abbess, which is why Rose and Wheel were chosen since they almost never agree on anything.   Sweet Mercy has a number of nuns who have taken holy orders, and either have teaching roles at the convent, or perform clandestine missions on behalf of the Church. They may also act in support of the emperor and the realm, but this must be negotiated with the High Priest.
Religious, Monastic Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level


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