
The Ervian Stormlands are one of the constituent kingdoms of the Final Empire. The Kingdom of the Storm was a sovereign nation until Aegon's Conquest. The natation has broken from the Empire several times, however, they are tend to fall to infighting and are reconquered. The people of Ervia are highly superstitious and fearful of the unknown. Overt magic is rarely used as it creates fear and terror.    Ervia produces fighting men that are among the greatest in the world. They are prized as bodyguards, captains, and soldiers.   The region is so-named for the savage and frequent autumn storms that batter the coast of the Sea of Storms. It is well known that House Morrigen, when they were in the Stormlands, angered the pagan deity known as the Stormlord and astonishingly powerful storms were released on Storm's End.     Ervia is ruled from the castle of Storm's End. Notable bannermen of the region include House Baremmon, House Blackwood, House Bracken, House Buckwell, House Byrch, House Celtigar, House Gaunt, House Hayford, House Massey, House Rosby, House Stokeworth, House Sunglass, and House Velaryon.   Noble bastards raised in the stormlands are given the surname Storm.


The Emperor of Terusha sits as the head of the Empire and The Eight-Pointed Star. Below the Emperor sits the Four Kings. The King is allowed to rule their kingdom as they see fit, with conditions: they pay a tax to the Emperor, they allow "ambassadors of the Emperor" to operate in their kingdom, they acknowledge the Emperor of Terusha as their sovereign, the kingdom must accept the Eight as their gods, they accept Imperial coinage and power structure. The heir of a king is a prince or princess. King is an inherited title. The Kings utilize an Archduke to oversee a province or county. The heir of an Archduke is a Count, who rules in an Archduke's stead. Archduke is an inherited title. A Duke rules a large city and the surrounding area. The heir of a Duke is a Marquis, who rules in a temporary manner for the Duke. This is an inherited title. A Viscount manages smaller cities for a higher lord. This is not an inherited title. A Castellan manages the goings-on of a castle for a higher lord, though they are a knight, and in the castle itself, their word can only be overwritten by the lord's family. Each village is overseen by a Knight, who is served by an Esquire, also known as a "Squire," or a knight in training.   Those of Viscount or higher, are served by a Mage Council, known as a Council of Eight, and a representative of the Star. Those of Duke or higher are served by a Mage Council, a Maester of the Citadel and representative of the Star.   In theory, the Council of Eight should have eight members, though few hold all eight members. A Maester serves the keep to which they are assigned, though they may become familiar with the families they serve, and may even be trusted advisors, they serve the Empire. The representative of the Star is simply a member of the church, and serves as a spy for the Empire and an advisor on moral matters. The representative is usually of equivalent station to the lord they advise. They are to keep the lord's soul from falling to darkness, and ensure the lord follows the Eight.   Merchants and Guildsmen are considered Freeman. A Freeman is not bound to the land and may choose their own course. The leader of a community and point of contact with the local lord, is known as a Reeve. Those who work the fields and the land are known as serfs. Serfs earn a minimal amount for themselves and are tied to the land.   In Tev and Ilvin if a serf becomes so impoverished they cannot pay their debts, they can sell themselves into slavery. These people are no longer consedered people and are considered property.


The people of Ervia are known for being gruff and combative. Many disputes among nobles are settled with single combat, however, this is considered to be a failure of manipulation. Ervia has a strong tradition of manipulating ones opponents and their emotions. This is widely known among the nobles but the expectation is that it be done quietly and subtly. Should one be caught manipulating an opponent, combat is inevitable. Ervia produces fighting men that are among the greatest in the world. They are prized as bodyguards, captains, and soldiers.   Whilst there are regional variations in food culture, most German recipes focus heavily on bread, potatoes, and meat, especially pork, as well as plenty of greens such as types of cabbage and kale. Cake, coffee, and beer are all highly popular elements


For generations powerful houses have have fought over who would be the Storm King of Ervia, with Storm's End being the ultimate prize. For a long time, the Storm King belonged to House Morrigen, known as the Crow King. The Crow King was a master of manipulation and kept the Final Empire at bay. Then, in an event known as the Black Dinner, the Crow King had ambassadors of Zan, air genasi, and air elementals executed after inviting them to Storm's End for peaceful talks.
Shortly after, the first of the Highstorm ravaged Ervia. After a series of rebellions, the Crow King ran to the Crownlands and the War of Storms began. The primary players were Houses Barabus, Blackwood, Bracken, and Velaryon. After generations of warfare, the crown exchanging hands many times, with the houses only truly uniting to face Ilvin, Barabus cunningly played his foes against each other and placated their egos, placing himself on top. To this day Houses Blackwood and Bracken hold a vile hatred of each other.


The Ervian Penninsula has historically been held by the Storm Kings. They also primarily claim the Sea of Storms.


The Legion of the Storm resides in Ervia under the direction of Legate Ronald Wylde and has an approximate troop count of 11,000 legionaries. In times of war, Ervia can raise approximately 50,000 more fighting men and women.


The Eight-Pointed Star is the only officially acknowledged religion since the Final Empire took over. However, there are many pockets that hold devotion to the Stormlord. The Lady of the Cloudwood is widely acknowledged by those who live in and near the Cloudwood. Members of the Eight-Pointed Star have tried to remove the tribute and worship of the Archfey, but they have been entirely unsuccessful. So it is tolerated by the Star.

Foreign Relations

Ervia and Ilvin have long standing rivalry and have had border disputes for generations. They are held in check by a mutual need for trade and the Empire not willing to let two of its kingdoms go to war with each other. Ervia and Cairn Confederacy share friendly relations, though they are separated by so much distance, they cannot help each other. Ervia shares strong trade relations with the Crownlands in spring and summer by sea, and by land in the autumn months.


Ervia is the least educated of the Kingdoms of the Final Empire. Most peasants cannot read, few scholars come from the kingdom, and there are fewer places of knowledge such as schools or academies, with the notable exception of the Academy of Healing in Feverfall. Nobles can read, write, and do basic arithmetic but leave higher education to someone else, as they prefer to spend their time in combat or politicking. This leaves mages and other scholars in a particularly powerful position.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Stormlands, Ervian Stormlands,
Ervians or Stormlanders
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Major Exports
Lead, wool, tin,  fur, pottery, wood, weapons, armor, and papyrus.
Major Imports
Pork, beef, copper, linen and wine.
Official State Religion
Neighboring Nations


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