Sun Soul Brotherhood

The Order of the Bright Sky is often the target of violence. The Sun Soul Brotherhood was founded to protect the Order, though many have broken from The Great Flame entirely and use the discipline to better themselves personally and spiritually.
The Brotherhood's lives center around the Monastery, few venture far from the Monastery and all tasks are taken to better the community of the Monastery, which, in turn, betters themselves.
The Brotherhood occasionally undergoes missions to better the monastery or, more often, to protect members of the Bright Sky. Outside of the Final Empire, the Sun Soul is considered highly valuable as mercenaries, though the Brothers are very particular about what journeys they undertake.
Many of the Brothers are not monks, though few are wizards as there is minimal training in the Art.


The brothers and sisters train to tap into the "spiritual light within" and manifest it as supernatural feats of prowess and endurance. The Brotherhood fosters a community of serenity and community.


The Sun Soul Brotherhood has very little in terms of material possessions though their monasteries are the exception. They are not fancifully decorated, though they are considered quite homey and tend to favor sun motifs for obvious reasons.
Religious, Monastic Order
Training Level
Many in the Brotherhood are monks, but they are not exclusively monks. As such, they use and respect the standard monk ranking system, though internally the brothers have a much more simplified system. An acolyte is considered a novice and an initiate, this rank is retained for a year and a half. A brother - used interchangeably with men and women - is anyone in the monastery that is not an acolyte or the master. There is only one master per monastery, they oversee training and the goings-on of the monastery. The Brotherhood does not use insignia as they typically all know each other.
Rank Title Notes
Master Master Runs the Monastery
Brother Brother Standard member of the Monastery
Acolyte Acolyte New initiates


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