
Izu is both the name of a genus of bipedal reptilian species, and the collective name these species refer to themselves as. This genus encompasses both the plethora of extant species, and several extinct species of Izu that evolved on the planet Anjagh, in the Arzha-R̀un Star System.

Basic Information


All Izu are characterized by their bipedalism, intelligence, and scaly skin. Izu have a large central brain, supplemented by a group of ganglia contained within their spinal columns, which has resulted in cognitive skills that enable them to thrive in various environments and form complex societies and civilizations.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Izu primarily speak Nengun, though some smaller regional dialects exist.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Izu culture is surprisingly peaceful for a civilization with multiple species; which is hypothesized to reach as far back as before even the various species were sentient. Many non-sentient species on Anjagh still practice some form of cooperation, symbiosis, or mutualism. Much of Izu culture is defined by the mutual strength of their collective species when they work together.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Being a genus of multiple species already, the Izu are predisposed towards cooperation with other species throughout Cradle. Even on their own world, they regard each other as equals and strive towards embettering their whole.
Scientific Name


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