Operation Broken Sky

Operation Broken Sky was the first military operation performed by the newly formed Hedron Defense Command in 17 UE. The purpose of the operation was to neutralize the corporate blockade surrounding the planet Novis in the Hedron star system. Operation Broken Sky was planned as a decisive strike against the corporation Hardspace Defense to prove the sovereignty of the Novis Colonial Authority.

The Conflict


Begining in 14 UE, the company Hardspace Defense enforced a blockade in orbit around Novis for the sole purpose of forcing the colonists to leave the planet so the company could take the claim left by Verda-Tek's dissolution. Unable to use force to remove the colonists, the blockade lasted for nearly three years before the events of Operation Broken Sky.


In early 17 UE, the newly formed HDC would begin Operation Broken Sky by launching the first battlegroup of their navy, the battlegroup Sovereign. These ships were launched while the blockade battlegroup Bastion was engaged in a routine engagement drill on the oposite side of Novis, when their sensors would be blocked by the planet.   Battlegroup Sovereign would then burn towards Novis' moon, Velia, as it too passed behind the planet in its orbit. By the time the moon was visible to the corporate vessels again, the HDC battlegroup had already placed themselves in an orbit around Velia to hide in its shadow as the moon orbited back towards the blockade.   When the blockade was caught between Novis and Velia, battlegroup Sovereign moved out of the shadow of the moon and fired the initial shots of the battle, crippling the Hardspace Defense carrier Osmium Sky. With the early neutralization of the carrier and the element of surprise, the HDC battlegroup firmly pushed the odds of the battle in their favor.

The Engagement

Battlegroup Sovereign began the battle with a sneak attack on the Hardspace Defense battlegroup Bastion, targeting their command carrier, the Osmium Sky. Using their powerful laser weaponry, the carrier was disabled after their engines and power systems were destroyed. Out of effective range of kinetic weaponry, the HDC battlegroup would use their superior maneuverability to hamper the slower targeting systems of the opposing battlegroup and their advanced armor to shrug off laser hits as they burned to close the distance between the opposing battlegroups.   Simultaneously, the HDC lauched attacks from the surface of Novis using previously hidden missile silos. This effectively caught battlegroup Bastion in an attack from two sides, even if there was significant lag from planetary defenses. Within several minutes, the planetary attacks would reach the blockade, causing widespread damage to the battlegroup.   As battlegroup Bastion was reeling from this attack, battlegroup Sovereign quickly moved into range of kinetic weapons. Battlegroup Sovereign's battlecruisers would lead a pincer attack, using their railguns to pick off the smaller frigates while their surge-class cruisers fielded point defense weapons against the blockade's missiles and fighter craft. The HDC's frigates held back, using their laser weapons to cause pinpoint damage to the opposing ship's systems.   Battlegroup Sovereign's flagship cruiser, the HDC New Haven, moved into close quarters equiped with the HDC's then experimental weapon, the Braking-Radiation Electron Emitter, known at that time by its codename: "Stinger." This weapon proved not only particularly deadly, but a potent fear tactic as well. First used against one of battlegroup Bastion's destroyers, the BEE fires a wide beam of near-lightspeed electrons at a ship which releases high-energy photons into the ship due to braking radiation on contact with the ship's armor. This effectively blanketes the target in large amounts of gamma radiation, causing widespread damage to electronic and organic systems.   After the HDC New Haven turned the BEE on its targeted destroyer, it only took a few seconds to produce enough radiation to neutralize its enitre crew, before turning upon the disabled command carrier. Internal reports from Hardspace Defense about this battle reference this weapon's destructive abilities when justifying the surrender of battlegroup Bastion. After the BEE was used against the carrier Osmium Sky, commander Caera ordered all ships to surrender and stand down. The commander's surrender was accepted by the HDC, conditional on the battlegroup's retreat from the Hedron system.


The HDC successfully neutralized the blockade surrounding Novis, opening the planet to interstellar trade and allowing the NCA to expand into space.


The neutralization of the blockade allowed the NCA to project their power further into the Hedron system, leading to the growth of Novis as new resources became available. Due to the military lead up to Operation Broken Sky, the NCA would continue to grow their military in the pursuit of fortifying the Hedron system and protecting their independence.

Historical Significance


Operation Broken Sky is remembered as the battle that secured Novis' independence and as a demonstration of the new power's technological strength. Although the Novis Colonial Authority declared their independence in 14 UE, their true independence was gained after Operation Broken Sky, which is now celebrated as a national holiday.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Conflict Result
The HDC successfully destroyed the blockade surrounding Novis.


HDC Battlegroup Sovereign
HD Battlegroup Bastion


Led by the flagship cruiser HDC New Haven.   Five Lightning-class battlecruisers.   Two Typhoon-class cruisers.   Two Surge-class crusiers.   Ten Tornado-class frigates.
Led by the carrier HD Osmium Sky.   Five Kasara-class missile cruisers.   Three Avamel-class defense destroyers.   Two Niabar-class ship-killer destroyers.   Ten Szala-class frigates.   Twenty fighter craft.


Command carrier disabled during the opening attack.   All fighter craft destroyed.   All destroyers disabled or destroyed.   Five frigates were disabled or destroyed.   Total crew losses of 2,168 men.


Eliminate the Hardspace Defense company's blockade.
Enforce the blockade of Novis.


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