Novis Colonial Authority

The Novis Colonial Authority, or NCA, is the interplanetary government which presides over the Hedron star system.


Founded in 14 UE, the Novis Colonial Authority was established as a governing body after the colonies of Novis declared their independence. Originally these colonies were owned by the Verda-Tek corporation, however, the blockade of Novis forced the company to dissolve and sell off their assets after being pressured by shareholders. The dissolution of the Verda-Tek corporation left the colonists of Novis stranded with no way off of the planet, while the blockade would starve them of precious supplies. Unified by the fear of losing their new homes and lives, the colonists of Novis formed the Novis Colonial Authority.   Originally, the Novis Colonial Authority took the form of a technocracy, with members of the government being chosen from the most educated and accomplished people on the colony world. This original strong and singular vision helped the NCA quickly develop industry, transforming the landscape of Novis in the process. By 16 UE, the NCA had finally completed their first naval fleet and officially founded the Hedron Defense Command. The blockade of Novis was broken shortly after launching their navy during Operation Broken Sky. The corporate fleet was defeated swiftly, out-gunned by the planetary batteries and modern weapon systems wielded by the HDC's smaller fleet.   After breaking the blockade surrounding their planet, the NCA held a vote for the future of the government. In a completely unanimous decision, they voted to restructure their government in favor of the direct democracy the NCA enjoys today.

Through Unity, Progress. Through Progress, Victory.

Founding Date
14 UE
Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
Government System
Democracy, Direct
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Post-scarcity economy
Controlled Territories


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