Hedron Star System

The Hedron star system, Hedron system, or Hedron, is the gravitationally bound system of the star Hedron and the objects that orbit it. It formed 4.8 billion years ago from the gravitational collapse of a giant interstellar molecular cloud. The vast majority of the system's mass is in its star, Hedron, with most of the remaining mass contained in the system's two gas giants Irus and Aetis, and the single ice giant Calun. The rest of the system's mass is comprised of the three terrestrial planets — Tenia, Novis, and Mion — along with the two asteroid belts and many moons in the system.

Hedron Star System

Hedron with its planets, moons, and dwarf planets (size to scale, distances not to scale)
Hedron with its planets, moons, and dwarf planets (size to scale, distances not to scale.)

Celestial Bodies


Star System
Included Locations
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